1) Name:
Anastasia Nicole Zamkinos
2) DOB/Zodiac sign/chinese astrology sign
March 8, 1988/ I'm a FISH, goddammit, so quit reminding me!/dragon
3) Favorite memories from camp
I liked the discos best! For once in my LIFE, I wasn't the only one dancing around and having fun! The music was great, the gossip was good, and the light show was AWESOME!:)
4) Fave 3 songs from camp
Teenage Dirtbag, It's Raining Men>, Clint Eastwood, and......(i know it's one over, but I can't help it!).......Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of!
5) Most embarrassing moment ever
hmmmmmm.........probly at my camp in Westport-we had to yodel, jump up and down, and pour water down our pants all at once......that was mortifying........or maybe at CTY 2000, in Palo Alto-I liked this one guy, and my friends told him when I was standing RIGHT THERE!!! AGH!!!!!!!!!! Way to ruin a moment! CVheese and crackers, that just made me mad.....
6) Favorite kind of coffee
Mocha Frapp-CAFFINATED!!!
7) What is the farthest base you'd be willing to go to at this point?
hrm........depends on the guy, and how long I've known him. Like there's one guy here at home I'd probly go far with, like, say b/w 2 and 3, if we went out for a while first and all went well, but I'd stop at 1st with most other ppl.........
8) Who do you have a crush on right.........NOW?
9) What do you say ALL the time?
cool Zs...............cheese&crackers............save the rubber duckies!...........I'm a PROFESSIONAL! let me HANDLE this!
10) Nicknames?
Satzh, Stasia, Stasiavous, oweirdone, Sexy Bitch
11) Fave camp quote?
"I bet he's a female axe murderer-minus the character and good taste, apperantly...".......or maybe "Why aren't you in my pants?" those were two of my many fave ones.........
12) If you had one wish only (and you can't wish for more), what would it be?
I would wish for all guys to get a clue. JUST KIDDING! i don't know if I'd want to wish for anything..... it's always better if you earn it yourself. But I do have one rather shallow wish...but if this is viewed by the public, i'd better keep it to myself.........^.^
13) Hobbies?
swimming, dancing, volleyball, singing, gossiping, chatting, collecting annoying surveys, writting song/poems, shopping, remembering camp.........shall I continue? Didn't think so.
14) What do you look for in a potential bf/gf (if there is anything in particular)?
he'd hafta be really sweet. He'd have to have a great laugh and a great smile, and he'd need to be caring...my IDEAL would also be really cute! and I don't mean all buffed up from weight lifting or anything like that-that just has no appeal to me............and dark hair, and preferrably dark eyes-or at least deep eyes that I ould look into for a while..........I'll stop here instead of describing a personality, style, and all that other stuff......
15) What do you miss most about camp?
I miss being able to hear everyone laugh and see everyone smiling! oh, and I've counted the number of dreams I have had that have to do with camp-so far there's about 15............yah, I know, I thought I would've recorded more, too!
16) Where would you go for your dream vacation?
dumb question, but just for the hell of it I'll telll you my two fave places in the Universe.........IRELAND(1st) and Greece (2nd)
17) What's your take on the god question?
the god ????????? oh, you mean do I believe in God..............nuh uh-I think it's a ton of bull crap, but that's just me
18) Do you have a personal homepage?
nope-never wanted one long enough to actually make it
19) Someone asks you what your favorite book of all time is. What do you answer?
Dancing With Mules by Morag Prunty
20) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I wish I didn't get so SHY around guys i like....I've been working on it, but still, it doesn't seem quite there yet.........
21) Describe your ideal career.
fashion designer........teacher.....RA @ CTYI......... I dunno, something like that...
22) The best sport to play is:
GO VOLLEYBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH-HA!!!!!!
23) Do you plan on having kids?
I dunno-if i feel seure enough to be able to support em, sure-but no more than 2.........
24) What's the one thing you feel you must do before you die?
figure out what true love is like...I'm curious
25) Pets?
Pippilatus Longstockings Woods Zamkinos (a German Shorthair)
26) List a few of your favorite bands.
Wheatus, Eve6, Eagle Eye Cherry, Emily branch, and New Found Glory.....oh, and Gorrillaz, Fatboy Slim and Kaci...........and Atomis Kitten...................I'll shuut up now.
27) Is the glass half-empty or half-full?
28) McDonald's or Burger King?
hmmmmm......Burger King, but I'm sick of both.....
29) The best way to find out what a person is really like is to:
figure out their level of self esteem-that's always a biggie.
30) ...and finally, would you rather lose your head or your heart?
I could live with out my head, but it would be IMPOSSIBLE to live without my heart...