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the creator: HUMAN

and the victums

HAPPY with the way the WORLD works?!?!?!?!

Can all the answers be found?


People have grown accustomed to having an authority in life to define reailty.. without it you feel confused and lost. Four centuries ago we shook off feeling lost, by taking matters into our own hands, by focusing on conquering Earth and using its resources to better our situation. Our focus gradually became a preoccupation. We totally lost ourselves in creating a secular security, an economic security, to replace the spiritual one we lost. The question of why we were alive? and what was actually going on here spiritually, was slowly pushed aside and repressed altogether. Working to establish a more comfortable style of survival has grown to feel complete in and of itself as a reason to live, and we've gradually methodically forgotten our original question.

How many people do you know who are obbsessed with WORK, type A, or have stress related diseases and who can't slow down? They can't slow down beacuse they use their routine to distract themselves to reduce life to only its practical considerations. And they do this to avoid recalling how uncertain they are about why they live.

When we control another human being we recieve their energy.
We fill up at the others expense and the filling up is what motivates us.

Once humans understand their struggle, we would immediately begin to transcend this conflict. We would begin to break free from the competition over mere human engery.... beacuse we would finally be able to recieve our energy from another source(other than food)....

IN MEMORY of September 11th


It is very hard to find information about the things that are currently happening around the world. I guess because the governments want to keep us from knowing certain things.

There are an estimated 300,000 child soldiers in some 30 countries around the world. The 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child defines childhood as below the age of 18 years, although it currently recognises 15 as the minimum age for voluntary or compulsory recruitment. With new weapons that are lightweight and easy to fire, children are more easily armed, with less training than ever before. During the past two decades, child soldiers have played an important role in countries such as El Salvador, Nicaragua, Iran, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Sudan, Angola, Afghanistan and Cambodia.

Angola has been embroiled in a civil war since the end of Portuguese colonial role in 1975, in which more than 500,000 people have been killed.
An additional four million people have been forced to flee their homes.

"I’ve seen people get their hands cut off, a ten-year-old girl raped and then die, and so many men and women burned alive... So many times I just cried inside my heart because I didn’t dare cry out loud."
- fourteen-year-old girl, abducted in January 1999 by the Revolutionary United Front, a rebel group in Sierra Leone

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(and here)*

The middle east

"Now, after dark nobody is going out because you can just be fired on at any moment."
-Mohsen Subhi

Tanks, soilders are everywhere in Ramallah and nobody can move anywhere. People cannot walk outside their house, look outside their windows.

March, 2002
In the northern Indian state of Punjab, two people were killed and more than 25 hurt in an explosion on a passenger train.
Outside the town of Ludhiana

A railway spokesman said police had no information linking the explosion to recent communal violence in the western state of Gujarat, in which nearly 700 people were killed.

The Lockerbie bombing
Man convicted of 1988 atrocity in which a Pan Am jumbo jet exploded over the Scottish town.

Abdelbaset ali Mohmed al-Megrahi was jailed for life last January 2001 after being found guilty of the mass murder of 270 people.

However, if the judges decide to overturn the original verdict al-Megrahi could be back in Libya by the end of the week.

There has been persistent speculation that the United States is planning to attack Iraq

"This is a nation run by a man (Saddam Hussein) who is willing to kill his own people by using chemical weapons, a man who won't let inspectors into the country, a man who's obviously got something to hide,"
Mr Bush said to reporters in Washington

Nuclear strike first mooted when Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990
Iraq attack Americans with chemical or biological weapons?

A BBC News correspondent said it was hard to imagine the US using nuclear weapons that would kill tens of thousands of people but, by not ruling out the possibility, the Bush administration might be hoping to deter Saddam from rash action.

Released March 2002

Russia, China, Iraq, Iran, Libya, North Korea and Syria feature in a classified Pentagon nuclear report, leaked by US newspapers on the weekend.

The five established nuclear powers - The United States, Russia, China, France and Britain - possess enough nuclear warheads to obliterate the world many times over.

Yet it is more than 30 years since they signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), which includes a commitment to dismantle these weapons.
In the intervening period, the Cold War has ended but new nuclear threats have emerged.

Mr Bush said the US would cut back over the next 10 years from its current total of some 7,000 warheads to about 2,000.

Mr Bush's national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, subsequently hinted that the US might opt for storage of warheads, rather than destruction.

Mr Putin said that if the US were to do this, Russia would follow suit, cutting down from some 6,000 to about 1,500.

The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, signed in 1970, is the most widely accepted arms control agreement.
A total of 187 states have now signed the agreement, with exceptions being Cuba, Israel, India, and Pakistan.
The treaty obliges the nuclear powers never to transfer their nuclear technology to other countries, and forbids other countries from acquiring nuclear capability.

United States Set off first nuclear blast in 1945. Conducted over 1,030 tests. Arsenal of about 12,070 warheads. Missile range of 8,100 miles.

India and Pakistan both exploded nuclear devices in 1998, openly declaring themselves to be nuclear powers.
Unlike the other nuclear powers, neither country has signed the CTBT or the NPT, and they are therefore not considered to be official nuclear states by the original five nuclear powers.

These countries have all signed the NPT, but they are nevertheless suspected of secretly trying to develop their own nuclear arsenals.
~North Korea ~Libya ~Iran ~Iraq

I really truley feel sorry for these people who are going through things like this. They shouldn't have to. There is a problem with the worlds GOVERNMENTS and people in power espesically!!!!!! FUCKING CRAZY.. I think that describes it quite well. Innocent people of their countries are punished, killed.. And for what reason? Some speical cause, beacuse our leaders are stupid?? And can't get along?! Trying to get rid of such large numbers of people? LIKE HITLAR.. Well ladies and gentlemen, it's still happening!! WHY?!?! Beacuse people just like yourselfs are contributing to it by joining the fucking army, supporting your governments, being patriotic!!!!
Why do they need the land? To make more money? Trying to get rid of the poor people? They are spending all the countries money on weapons used to fight. There must be some reason.. something they are hiding.. what they want to do?! Take over the world?!! Why are some humans soo power hungry.. allways wanting everything and trying to be the best?!?! It confuses me soo much... this is.. Insanity



*All the different kinds*

The CIA had used LSD as a sureptitious mind bending agent in COLD(1945)WAR cloak-and-dagger opperations. The largest single source of the black market acid during the late 1960's and early 1970's was linked to the CIA. Psychiatrists tout LSD as a psychotomimetic(madness-mimicking) substance and use it to study mental illness. CIA contemplated dosing a city's water supply with acid.
LSD is now a schedule I substance.
Schedule I includes drugs with no medical use and or high potential for abuse.

Bad for your body, society and our world all together? But there are some good drugs arn't there? How can something soo bad, and something soo good be classified under the same topic? Could there be some positive impact they have on humans? I find it hard to believe that something can only have bad things about it. Most usually there is always a negative and a positive side to everything.. Allways with different people's opinions. So I guess it's really up to you to decided what is right or what is wrong for you. Through experience and from what I have seen, I would have to say that drugs are very complicated, misunderstood, and powerful.. especially if you haven't done them. I think alot of people's perspective's on drugs are a bit wrong. I can remember before I had tried even smoking weed, and friends also that I know, our thoughts, opinions of what we thought certain drugs would be like were blown way out of proportion, and we basically had no idea what we were actually getting ourselves into, maybe we still don't. Most people, probably all people didn't or won't.

That's what society does, our governments, people who control, they try to keep people as best as they can from figuring out the real truth about certain things, especially things that could be a threat to them staying in control. SO is there TRUTH anywhere? YES and NO. What you think is the truth, could really just be a lie. What you think is a lie could be the truth to someone else.

Conformity to fact or actuality.
A statement proven to be or accepted as true.
Sincerity; integrity.
Fidelity to an original or standard.
Reality; actuality.
Often Truth that which is considered to be the supreme reality and to have the ultimate meaning and value of existence.
He that doeth truth cometh to the light. --John iii.
The truth depends on, or is only arrived at by, a legitimate deduction from all the facts which are truly material. --Coleridge.

I believe it is, if you really search for it. However there are many people who will try to prevent you from doing so.. Good Luck!

There is ALWAYS something you don't know.. Like for example: Where are all these drugs coming from? Your next door neighbor? Someone at work? Someone you know.. Someone you would never expect. Your uncle or your brother?... Maybe

I did happen to see a show on Much Music a few weeks ago.. While I was under the influence, of a certain substance. It was all about Iraq, the soilders, the wars around the world.. What the people are going through. There was young boys.. very small boys carrying guns half the size of them. They talked about how Suddam Hussein would give them COCAIN to fight in the war. And if they chose not to fight they would be killed. And no, this wasn't just some sort of hullicination my brain created. It is real, and things like this, worse things, things you can't even imagine are happening right this second.
So we think we have it bad sometimes do we?

I saw another show on tv a couple weeks ago also. Actually it was the NEWS. A whole big story on a guy's life of being a junkie to getting straight. How he even influenced his sister to becoming one...
But I didn't write this to talk about someone else's problems in life to make our self's feel better. I did it to make certain people more aware I guess.

Sometimes, most of the time, people don't realize or don't even know what their actions are doing to other people. What was the cause of this guys actions??? A GOVERNMENT drug.. A HIGHLY ADDICTIVE drug. I can't believe I can't remember what it was called. A Prescription drug, that is very commonly abused, a type of amphetamine. The effects are deadly.
Given out by pharmasists, docters throughout Canada and the US. For relief of pain mostly. Some people have decided to use it for other reasons. To get HIGH mostly. Taken with a needle.. smoked, or snorted... im sure someone can think of another way.

Drugs are very expensive $$$$ and highly addictive.
If your not careful, can and will take over your entire life in a matter of weeks even. Some people will do anything to get them, including hurting you, many others, stealing, practically anything.. Even braking into hospitals. What an idea that would be! Talk about a cry out for help. When people get carried away or obbsessed with certain things, they tend to go way overboard, crazy, without even realizing what they are doing to themselves, and other people especially.

afterall.. drugs are very addictive.. you become dependent of them and tolerant(causing you to need more, which makes you spend more money, and making your body more fucked up, without even feeling the effects)I wonder who thought of that bright idea.. Most likely someone wanting more money!
Needing them to feel good, needing them to do anything especially keep you from being in a bad mood or even angry.. Your worst thoughts, feelings, emotions, start to become even worse, and a reality. You start to become something that you never thought you would be without even realizing it... beacuse the drugs have control over you. I warn you to exercise great caution in taking any type of drug..
You don't even really know for sure, if there is something in that asprin causing you to think a certain way.. be a certain way.. that the government wants you to be. Nevermind.. what poisions are mixed together in something you think is extacy or acid.. keep in mind that almost everyone has enimies, some you may not even know of yet, and maybe some of them want you dead.

This is almost starting to sound like a lecture... But I feel that I would like to warn people before they do something they will regret.

Luckly there are certain people who want to help others get off of drugs and get their lives back together(hopefully). But the memories and experiences never go away. I can understand how hard it would be. Drugs can totally reinvent a person. Make them do very unusual things.. act in ways that are not ordinary to most people.
I definatly think that there is too much pressure on people in society to be A CERTAIN WAY.

People feeling like they are never good enough, and should try to be better, by buying products they see in magazines and on tv... Can you blame them? Some people are soo EASILY MANIPULATEDand don't think twice when someone tells them something that seems so good or will make them better. Nevermind what a docter or pharmasist would prescribe.. how many people could say they actually decided not to spend their money and take medicine that will supposibly make them better or not depressed?!?

.. drugs the government says are legal but are still addictive..... CIGGARETTES, ALCOHOL, CAFFINE, so many others that people pay so much money for, and have ruined so many lives. The government can create a new drug everyday that is addictive.. instantly they get more and more money beacuse people CAN'T LIVE without it. Hmm..
Yet the drugs that don't go through the government(they don't make any money off of) are totally illegal, yet people who are making money off these drugs are still buying shit from the government. That is just not enough. AND THEN
... Most of the people that I know well that do drugs and MYSELF.. are against most of the shit society thinks is right, and the way the governments are running our world, the things they are putting into peoples minds, making them pay for..

LOOK at all the musicans, all the creative talent that could only be made by someone who was on drugs. Drugs make you think differently, maybe even in a better way then some people who wern't on drugs. People tend to care not as much about stupid things like money, clothes, being the best, compeating with other people all the time, when they have done drugs. Yet there are some people who just get more conceited, more arrogent, more loud, annoying, stupid, crazy, weird, scary, or whatever you want to call it!! also.. (people talking to themselves all the time)(repeating things over and over)(not realizing what they are doing) lots of other creepy insane shit that I don't even want to think about right now!!

BECAUSE..of some drugs, or they way they these people have chose to think. I guess it all just depends on the person, and how they have let drugs effect them, and the experiences they have had, also the amounts taken at certain times.

More reasons for the government to keep them illegal. Drugs are a way to escape reality, forget about certain things, make you happy, and depressed, more talkative, creative, I think maybe realize things, even make you smarter sometimes...and lots of other things too..
There is a flip side to everything. I have seen what drugs can do to people. And its very scary sometimes. I would have to say most people I know, I prefer them when they are not under the influence of drugs... Except for maybe marajuana. Myself well, I would have to say, I like the feeling of certain drugs. Not saying I have tried all of them. And I would probably never.

If I hadn't done drugs would I have made this website? Probably, but i doubt I would have wrote this much or put this much effort into it.

The are tones of bad effects of drugs! I don't have the time or energy to list them all... I will leave that for an anti-drug website, which mostly likely you will not visit anyways. I urge you to consider doing it though. Lots of information that wouldn't be bad to know.,,..especially since you are putting it into your body.

So they say your crazy.?

But before I continue..
I have to ask.. Have you seen the movie A BEAUTIFUL MIND? It was about a smart mathmatitican man that was diagnosed as a Shizophrenic, during the cold war. There are many movies about Schizophreniac's, crazy people, insane, whatever you wanna call them. It made me think alot..Which most movies do. Sometimes I think movies provide truthinto the unknown and whats going on in our world, or what has gone on.
Afterall, movies are about people's lives and whats going on in our world. So there must be a bit of truth behind that SCI-FI film?????

Affects between 1 and 2% of people...
Have you ever herd of SCHIZOPHRENIA? Most people probably have. However.. they probably do not know much information about it, unless they have been diagnosed with it or know someone who has.. Because, most people don't care unless it happens to or affects them.

*Difficulties in thought process *Hallucinations *Delusions *Disordered Thinking
*Unusual speech or behaviour
Also: Limited ability to interact with other people, often withdrawl from the outside world.
Whos to say these symptoms are bad? Or should be prevented? Obiously we were given them for a reason. Normal? What is that??!?! I thought people were different, yet similar in some ways? So why should there be something called NORMAL to define how we are supposed to act? Beaucse SOMEONE CREATED it. People are brainwashed to believe they should act a certain way to fit into soceity, otherwise your considered weird, different, crazy, maybe even Schizophrenic(the highest cases of weird, different, even original, something NOT NORMAL) And what does society do with these people??? Give them treatments or put them away in places in hospitals, other worse places, even padded cells.
Did you know? People with Schizophrenia are far more likely to be victums of violence and crime then to commit violent acts themselves. So why are some of these people locked up? Or held in mental institutions? My guess.. to be studyed.. and prevent them from ruining certain people's lives with information they know.

1 in 5 people can be said to recover
1 in 10 people commits suicide
THE CAUSE: Genetic influences, trauma(injury) to the brain. NO ONE factor can be said to be the cause of Schizophrenia.

Some people are NOT greatly helped by treatments, or medication. Some discontinue use beacuse of unpleasant side effects or other reasons. SUBSTANCE ABUSE is a common concern of familys of people with Schizophrenia. Some people who abuse DRUGS show SYMPTOMS similar to those of Schizoprhrenia.
People with Schizophrenia can be mistaken for people HIGH ON DRUGS. Stimulants(amphetamines and cocain ) may cause major problems for people with Schizoprhenia, as may PCP or Marajuana? Some people experience a worsening of their symptoms.

I think Drugs and Schizophrenia makes you go into deeper meaning, deeper thought, a state of figuring things out, finding out the truth, and knowing that our governments(PEOPLE IN POWER); brainwash people, manipulate them, keep them or try to from figuring this out and their other plans.

This is why I have reason to believe this ILLNESS they call Schizophrenia, is not actually an illness, but something great, far beyond most peoples capabilites and thoughts. So why wouldn't the government want to keep them under better control to study in their hospitals? Why would the government want to give them medication to prevent them from being the way they were supposed to? Because the government has control, and they don't want anyone to interfear.

So the really smart people, or the people who could be really smart(the ones who think and act differently) they try to put away in padded cells, and give medications to so that they will act in a way that the government wants them to..
I guess also the reason why certain drugs are Illegal. So many drugs, so many of them Legal and still addictive.

I hope this has made a few people think a bit more about anything, especially what they are doing to themselfs or what they are planning to do.. I urge you to just becareful.
And remember that you cannot always trusteveryone and everything.. especially what people say, especially what the government says.. afterall.. they are the best at keeping things top secret and unknown.

"The Taliban were a drug-trafficking government, and Al Qaeda participates with the Taliban. We've been under attack in this country for a long time, because drugs are a weapon of mass destruction."
-- Steve Casteel, December 4th, 2001

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So the question of the day is..
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