Well, it's finally happened, folks. America, long the giant of the world and victim of only American terrorist attacks, has fallen prey to a horrible string of bizarre 'suicide plane crashes' that seem to leap right out of the movies.Rumor has it that Bruce Willis tried his hand at fending off the terrorists, but only succeeded in creating a crater in western PA, quite a different ending than he was hoping for. Meanwhile, President Bush was in his remedial kindergarten class when news reached him that The Twin Towers, also known as the World Trade Center, had been crashed into by two hijacked planes.
George Dubya was quoted as asking the aide, "The one that King Kong climbed?!"
Unfortunately for the terrorist Bin Laden, whose close associates the Taliban have been financed by the United States, he has become the target of an international sting operation.
He claims he had nothing to do with it, but nobody is believing him. In fact, it is said that cabinet members are working on a certain 'Bin Laden Ramen Noodle' recipe that they hope to serve to vengeful victims as soon as the arab's bones are picked clean by the military buzzards.
Sad thing is, this year Dubya has been so preoccupied with 'The War on Drugs', a thinly vieled attempt to attack America's black citizens and subculture, that he handed a whopping $40,ooo,ooo to the Taliban because it promised to destroy its poppy crop. They'll destroy it, all right. Right after they pick it clean and sell it off.
The very jets that were once used in our military activities have been retrained to combat 'Druggies' in the 'Drug War', and were unable to lend a hand in the hijacking incidents because, as one high ranking official put it, "We didn't think it was a drug smuggling operation, so we decided not to get involved."
America's need to have an enemy is astounding. As a nation, we claim we want to peace. But we aren't happy unless we are making war somewhere in the world, and for the past thirty years, its been right here on our own soil.
Young people, whose only crime was carrying a few joints or eating some acid, suddenly found themselves swallowed whole by our 'in'justice system and tossed in cages with rapists, murderers, and other thugs.
Small wonder that many of these potential presidents became rapists, murderers, and thugs themselves.
America has bombed Baghdad, a civilian city in Iraq, so much that now the people there don't even rebuild anything. Each night, they simply spray-paint x's over their homes in bright neon colors and take bets on whose property will still be standing in the morning.
The death toll, by closest estimates, are 100,000 people. Civilians. Murdered in cold blood by American-led troops. And this is a decade after the Gulf War ended. The swine that head this once-great nation are running through the filth and muck, trying to talk tough and point fingers to the middle east, but the fact is, they are as clueless as we are - and are as much to blame.
What happened in New York and at the Pentagon was a direct result of our failed foreign policy. Rumors abound that the Capital Building and the White House were also targets, and Air Force one.
If all the propsed targets were taken out, we would have been left with 50 mini-nations and King Dick. Cheney, that is. We would probably have been better off that way.
Now, we have people forgetting all the problems in our country and rallying around a flag that symbolizes ignorance, bullying, and facism.
Yes, facism. Our nation is slowly becoming the new Nazi Regime. But instead of having 'jews', 'homosexuals', and other subhumans to target, we get to go after shadow enemies, people we cannot identify but 'must be out there'. We call them terrorists, but in the 50's they were called communists. In the early part of American history they were called witches.
Yes, the hunt goes on.
I feel proud of our nation's early past, the people willing to die for something they believed in. Now we are so complacent that such an idea is sickening to us. Would you be willing to stand up and defend your country, if it was under attack?
Well, it is. And it has been for decades. This is only one more cycle in the great stupid machine that is America.
All we can hope is that there will be an intellectual revolution, where people begin to educate themselves and each other, and help to turn this country around and back to where its roots are.
All men, women, and children deserve to live with liberty and justice. If someone comes to our soil seeking citizenship, we offer it to them.
And most of all, we protect our own first, take away the ruthless tactics of our militant police, and accept that morals are a personal issue and not a national one.
It is legal to be greedy in this country. It is legal to murder innocent people in the name of democracy. It is legal for teachers to hustle dangerous, psychotic drugs to children. Yet we are fighting over petty things - like people wanting to smoke leaves of a plant that George Washington endorsed the use of.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. America is a fucking stupid, stupid place.
And if you want to know who bombed the World Trade Towers, look at Washington, at the President, at your neighbor, and at the mirror.
As a nation, we owed a huge karmic debt to the world and someone just called it in.
Want More Info? Check These Out:
The Age
The Marysville Globe
BBC News
The Guardian Unlimited
Great Buildings.Com - The Twin Towers
US Government Info - WTC & Pentagon Attacks Timeline