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Here is where I will be putting all the Cliques and rings I belong to.

Raine Tomoe is committed to Goku and Auron

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07-26-03: Alright there are four pages to Quest now and Spirit Warriors is on hold...even though I didn't really start it...
Yah well if anyone out there is a comic artist and is looking for a writer I can help out.
07-05-03: Woo I just put up somce of my comic sites!! I have up the first strip of Quest and the title art of Spirit Warriors!!
06-24-03: I just added some costume pics to the cosplay page. I'll be putting up some Yaten pics as soon as I can get a few better pics of the costume same with the Sailor Moon pics.
06-02-03: Not too many updates to the site at the moment. The cosplay page is up and pictures will be added soon. Any of my new art is up on deviantart right now. Just a few sketches I coloured with my new markers.
If anyone knows how I can better organize my thumbnails please tell me.

About Raine Tomoe

Raine Tomoe is my stage name and the name I use online. If you are a cosplayer you may know people that choose to have stage names when they cosplay. One person I look up to is Tristen Citrine, she is very talented and is a great preformer.
My real name is Nikki and I am 21 and currenty live in Ontario Canada. I love to read, write, sing, sew, cosplay, and draw. I'm hoping one day to have an online comic on this site for all to enjoy and maybe in the future have all of my comics and stories published. I have sold a few pieces of art in the artists ally at Anime North so if you are interested check it out. I'm also preforming at Anime North so if you like anime and old 80's cartoons come on up to Toronto in May and check the convention out ^_^

+Pencil Sketches
A gallery of all of my pencil art....

+Line Art
Here you will find line art ready for CG....

+Colour Art
Coloured art....

+B&W Photos
Photos from my Photography class....

+Costume Photos
Check out the different cosplay costumes....

My very first web comic....

+Spirit Warriors
A webcomic based on my origonal fic....

+Writing and fics
Comming Soon....

+Deviant Art
One of the best sites on the web....

The talented person that made this layout....

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