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Chocolate Shake.

Chocolate Shake.


1 pint milk
6 tsp. cocoa
4 tsp. sugar
5 fl oz whipping cream
1 tsp. caster sugar
8 scoops vanilla ice cream
4 scoops chocolate ice cream
4 chocolate flakes
4 ice cream wafers

Method Heat ½ pt milk in a pan, stir in cocoa and sugar and bring to the boil.
Pour in the remaining milk, stirring continuously and heat through.
Remove from heat and leave to cool for 30 min. Then chill for a further hour in fridge.
Put 4 glasses in freezer to chill.
Beat the cream until stiff peaks form and mix in the caster sugar.
Transfer the cream to piping bag with star nozzle.
Put 2 scoops vanilla and 1 scoop chocolate ice cream into each glass.
Stir the chilled chocolate mixture and pour over the ice cream.
Pipe a cream swirl over each shake, decorate with a chocolate flake and wafer and serve immediately with a straw.