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Laverbread Cakes. Mother’s Supper. Pembrokeshire Pies.
Quick Honey Chicken. Scots Mutton Pies. Stuffed Chicory with Cheese.
Wedding Night Pasty. Welsh Omelette. White Bean Bruschetta.

Laverbread Cakes.


1 lb. laverbread
4 oz. Fine oatmeal
6 rashers bacon


Mix the laverbread and oatmeal together and form the mixture into small, round flattish cakes.
Fry the prepared cakes in hot fat using a palette knife to keep them in shape.
Fry until they are crisp and brown on both sides.
Serve with grilled rashers of bacon as a breakfast dish.

Quick Honey Chicken.


4 chicken legs
2 tbsp. vegetable oil
salt and black pepper
2 tsp. clear honey
juice half lemon
1 tbsp. sesame seeds


Preheat grill to high.
Brush the chicken with a little oil and season.
In a small bowl mix the rest of the oil wit the honey and lemon juice. Brush all over the chicken with half the honey mixture.
Grill the chicken legs for 6 – 7 minutes.
Brush with the remaining honey mixture and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
Grill for a further 6 – 7 min. Serve hot or cold.

Mother’s Supper.


12 rashers back bacon, cut in half
2 onions, peeled and chopped
5 oz. Hard cheese, grated
salt and pepper


Preheat oven to 375 F.
Butter a shallow, ovenproof dish and, beginning and ending with the bacon, layer the ingredients, seasoning lightly.
Bake for 30 min.
Serve with Welsh Omelette and crusty bread.

Pembrokeshire Pies.


8 oz lard
1 lb flour
1 tsp. salt
¼ pt water
1 ¼ cooked minced lamb
4 oz currants
4 oz brown sugar
salt and black pepper
a pinch of dry mustard
redcurrant jelly
beaten egg to glaze


Rub 2 oz lard into the flour then stir in the salt.
Put the remainder of the lard and the water into a pan and bring to the boil.
Make a well in the flour mixture, pour in the boiling liquid and stir well with a wooden spoon until the mixture leaves the side of the bowl.
Allow to cool a little then turn out on to a lightly floured surface and knead until smooth and pliable and still warm.
Roll out the pastry and line 8 lightly greased deep patty tins, reserving sufficient pastry for the lids.
Divide the lamb, currants and sugar between the pies in layers – starting and finishing with lamb and seasoning well.
Warm the redcurrant jelly slightly and spoon over.
Roll out 8 lids, place on the pies and seal well with a little water.
Make a steam hole in each pie and brush with egg to glaze.
Bake for 30 – 40 min. or until golden.
Serve cold.

Scots Mutton Pies.


4 oz. dripping
½ pt. water
1 lb. flour
½ tsp. salt
12 oz. Lean mutton
1 small onion, chopped
beaten egg
salt and pepper


Place the dripping in water in a saucepan and bring to the boil.
Sieve flour and salt.
Make a well in the centre and pour in the hot liquid.
Mix to a dough with a knife, then knead on a floured board until free of cracks.
Cut off ¼ of the pastry and keep it warm.
Line six small tins or shape some cases round the base of a glass.
Cut the mutton into small pieces and mix with the chopped onion.
Add the seasoning.
Use a little stock to moisten and fill the pies.
Put on the lids, wetting the edges and sticking them firmly together.
Make a hole in the top of each.
Brush the pies with a little beaten egg.
Bake in a moderate oven for 40 min.
Serve hot, filling with a little hot gravy.

Stuffed Chicory with Cheese.


20g chicory
One small shallot
1 tbl spoon butter
100g young gouda
grated nutmeg
ground white pepper
2 leaves of gelatine or 3g powdered gelatine
2 tbl spoons creme fraiche
6 hazlenuts
1/4 pt milk Method.

Wash chicory and remove approx 16 good leaves
Finely chop remaining chicory and the peeled shallot and soften them in hot fat
Add milk and bring to the boil
Finely grate the gouda and melt in the milk on a low heat
Season with nutmeg, paprika, pepper and dissolve the soaked gelatine
Leave to cool for 30 mins and add the creme fraiche
Fill the chicory leaves with the cheese cream and leave to cool
Chop hazlenuts and sprinkle over the stuffed chicory before serving

Wedding Night Pasty.


12 oz shortcrust pastry
8 oz cooked lamb, diced
1 large onion, peeled and finely chopped
pinch of dry mustard
2 dsp chopped mixed herbs
salt and pepper
a little lamb stock
a little milk


Preheat oven to 350 F.
Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface, divide in half and use one half to line a greased 9” deep pie plate.
Mix together the lamb, onion, herbs and seasoning, spoon onto the pastry and spread out.
Sprinkle over sufficient stock to moisten.
Cover with the remaining pastry, sealing the edges well and trimming neatly.
Make a small steam hole in the centre and decorate with pastry leaves from the trimmings.
Brush with a little milk and bake for 30 – 40 min. until golden.
Serve hot or cold with vegetables.

Welsh Omelette.


8 oz flour
pinch of nutmeg
2 eggs separated
3 to 4 tablespoons milk
butter for spreading
1 dsp fresh parsley, finely chopped


Sift the flour, salt and nutmeg together in a bowl then stir in the egg yolks.
Add the milk and beat until smooth.
Whisk the egg whites until they stand up in soft peaks and fold into the mixture with the parsley.
Melt a little butter in a thick frying pan and fry spoonfuls of the mixture in the same way as pancakes.
Keep warm then spread with butter, pile one on top of another and serve, cut into wedges, either alone or with mothers supper.

White Bean Bruschetta.


420g butter beans, drained
1 clove garlic, crushed
50g red peppers, chopped
25g black olives, chopped
4 tbl spoons olive oil (or rapeseed oil)
juice of one lemon
1 teaspoon tomato paste
25g sunblush tomatoes
Ciabatta bread
ground black pepper.

Method .

Mash beans roughly with garlic and add oil until paste is formed.
Stir in lemon juice, red peppers, tomato paste, tomatoes, and black olives.
Add black pepper to taste.
Slice Ciabatta bread and toast under the grill.
Drizzle with remaining oil and top with butter bean mixture.