Craps Poker Dice Yahtzee


A Casino dice game in which players wager money against the casino on the outcome of one, or of a series of rolls, of two dice.

The rules of play

Players are offered a choice of two from five dice and take turns rolling them. The rolling player referred to as the "shooter."

The game is played in rounds, with the first roll of a new round called the "come-out roll."

On the come-out roll, if the total of the two dice is 2, 3,or 12 (craps) the shooter loses his pass line bet. If they roll 7 or 11 (natural) then they have a pass line win. In either case the round ends immediately and the shooter must roll another come-out roll.

Any other number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10) rolled on the come-out roll becomes what is called the "point".

The shooter will then re-roll the dice continuously until either a 7 or the point is rolled again.

If the shooter rolls the point again, they win the pass line bet, the round ends and the game starts over with the same shooter rolling another come-out roll.

If the shooter rolls a 7 instead of the point (this is called a "seven-out"), the shooter loses his pass line bet, the round ends, and the dice pass to the next player to the left.

A new shooter, who must bet the table minimum on either the pass" line or the don't pass line to play, is presented five dice by the stickman and picks two.

Names of Rolls in Craps
1 2 3 4 5 6
Nina Hard
Nina Easy

Nine is also called "Centerfield Nine" because 9 is the center of the Field bet.

Five is also called "No Field Five" to remind the players that 5 is not paid in the Field bets.

In Atlantic City a 4-5 is also called a "Railroad Nine."

Types of wagers

Player bets

Fire Bet: Before the shooter begins, some casinos will allow a bet known as a fire bet to be placed. A fire bet is a bet for between 1-5 dollars (the Rio in Las Vegas allows up to $10) in the hopes that the next shooter will have a hot streak of setting and getting many points of different values. As different individual points are made by the shooter, they will be marked on the craps layout with a fire symbol. The first three points will not pay out on the fire bet, but the fourth, fifth and sixth will pay out at increasing odds. The fourth point pays at 25-1 (a maximum of $125 for a $5 bet), the fifth point pays at 250-1 (a maximum of $1,250 for a $5 bet) and the 6th point pays at 1,000-1 (a maximum of $5,000 for a $5 bet). Note that the points must all be different numbers for them to count towards the fire bet. A shooter who successfully hits a point of 10 twice will only garner credit for the first one on the fire bet.

Line bets The shooter is required to make either a Pass Line bet or a Don't Pass bet if he wants to shoot. Line bets are based around points.

Pass line: The fundamental bet in craps is the pass line bet, also called the win line in some countries. A pass line bet is won if the come-out roll is a 7 or 11. If the come-out roll is 2, 3 or 12, the bet loses. If instead the come-out roll establishes a point, and that point is rolled again, the bet wins. If a point is established and a 7 is rolled before the point is re-rolled, the bet loses.

Don't pass:The opposite of the pass line bet is the don't pass bet. The don't pass bet is opposite in that it loses if the come-out roll is 7 or 11 and wins if the come-out roll is 2 or 3. A 12 will draw (this depends on the casino); either way a player cannot lose if 12 is rolled. A draw (the word "BAR," printed on the Craps layout, means "Standoff") on 12 is done to ensure the casino maintains a house edge regardless of whether players are betting pass or don't pass. If a point is established and that point is rolled again, the don't pass bet loses. If a 7 is rolled instead of the point being re-rolled, the don't pass bet wins. Betting on don't pass is often called "playing the dark side," and it is considered by some players to be in poor taste, or even taboo, because it goes directly against conventional play.

Pass odds: If a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 is thrown on the come-out roll (i.e., if a point is set), most casinos allow pass line bettors to take odds by placing from one to five times (and at some casinos, up to 100 times) the pass line bet behind the pass line. This additional bet wins if the point is rolled again before a 7 is rolled (the point is made) and pays at the true odds of 2-to-1 if 4 or 10 is the point, 3-to-2 if 5 or 9 is the point, and 6-to-5 if 6 or 8 is the point.

Don't pass odds:If a player is playing don't pass instead of pass, they may also take odds by placing chips behind the don't pass line. If a 7 comes instead of the point coming, the odds pay at true odds of 1-to-2 if 4 or 10 is the point, 2-to-3 if 5 or 9 is the point, 5-to-6 if 6 or 8 is the point. For most players the perceived disadvantage of putting up the long side of the bet makes the don't pass odds less desirable, however putting up the long side reduces variance.

Come bet: The rules for the come wagers are the same as for the pass line except that they can only be made after the come-out roll. If the roll the come bet is made on is a 7 or 11 it wins, if it is a 2, 3 or 12 it loses, just like a pass bet. If instead the roll is 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 then the come bet will be moved by the base dealer onto a box representing that number. If the number is rolled again before a seven, the bet wins. If the seven comes before the number (the come-bet), the bet loses. Odds can also be placed on a come-bet just like a normal pass point; in this case the dealer (not the player) places the odds bet on top of the bet in the box, because of limited space, slightly offset to signify that it is an odds bet and not part of the original come bet.

Because of the come bet, if the shooter makes their point, a player can find themselves in the situation where they have a come bet (possibly with odds on it) and the next roll is a come-out roll. In this situation odds bets on the come wagers are presumed to be not working for the come-out roll. That means that if the shooter rolls a 7 on the come-out roll, any players with active come bets waiting for a come-point lose their initial wager but will have their odds money returned to them, if the come-point is rolled the odds do not win but the come bet does and the odds are returned. The player can tell the dealer that they want their odds working, such that if the shooter rolls a number that matches the come point, the odds bet will win along with the come bet, and if a seven is rolled both lose.

Don't come: There is also a don't come box which is the opposite of a come bet in that the player is betting that craps will come on the next roll instead of 7 or 11, or that if a come point is made, that value won't be rolled again before a 7. It pays just as don't pass and also has odds in the same way.


Single roll bets

snake eyes Wins if shooter rolls a 2.
ace-deuce Wins if the shooter rolls a 3.
yo Wins if the shooter rolls 11.
boxcars Wins if shooter rolls a 12.
hi-lo Wins if shooter rolls a 2 or 12. The stickman places this bet on the line dividing the 2 and 12 bets.
craps: Wins if the shooter rolls 2, 3 or 12.
C & E A combined bet with half the bet on craps and the other half on yo (11).
big redWins if the shooter rolls a 7.
Field A bet that one of the numbers 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, or 12 will appear on the next roll of the dice. Typically 2:1 or 3:1 for 2 or 12, and 1:1 for 3, 4, 9, 10 or 11.
The Horn a bet on 1 unit each for 2, 3, 11 and 12 at the same time for the next roll.
The bet is actually four separate bets, and pays off depending on which number is actually rolled, minus three units for the other three losing bets.
Horn High a five-unit Horn bet in which the extra unit is bet on one specific number.
For example, a £5 "horn high yo" refers to £1 on each of the horn numbers and the extra £1 on the number 11.
Whirl or World a five-unit bet that is a combination of a horn and any-seven bet, with the idea that if a seven is rolled the bet is a push, because the money won on the seven is lost on the horn portions of the bet.

Multi roll bets

Hard way You may bet that the shooter will throw a specific hard way (either 4, 6, 8 or 10), before he throws a seven or the corresponding easy way. A hard way is when both dice show identical values, also known as "doubles," so 2 2 is hard way 4.
Easy way Opposite of hard way is a bet that the shooter will throw a specific easy way (either 4, 6, 8 or 10), before he throws a seven. An easy way is a value that does not have two dice identical, so 3 1 is easy way 4.
Big 6
Big 8
These wagers are considered by craps players as sucker bets because they pay even money while a player can bet on the same proposition (that the number will be rolled before a 7) by making place/buy bets on the 6 or the 8, which pay more money. Veteran craps players avoid these bets, and some casinos do not even offer them. The bets are located in the corners behind the pass line, and bets are placed directly by players.
Place and buy Players can buy or place certain individual numbers (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10) by placing their wager in the come area and telling the dealer, "place the 6" or "buy the 8". Both place and buy bets are bets that the number bet on will be rolled before a 7 is rolled. Place bets are paid at odds worse than the true odds, while buy bets are paid at true odds, but a 5% commission is charged. Traditionally, the buy bet commission is paid no matter what, but in recent years a number of casinos have changed their policy to charge the commission only when the buy bet wins. Most casinos usually charge only $1 for a $25 green-chip bet (4% commission), or $2 for $50 (two green chips), reducing the house advantage a bit more. Where commission is charged only on wins, the commission is sometimes deducted from the winning payoff--a winning $25 buy bet on the 10 would pay $49, for instance.
Lay A lay bet is the opposite of a buy/place bet, where a player bets on a 7 to roll before the number that is laid. The lay bets pay true odds, but a 5% commission is charged. In some casinos the commission is only charged if the bet wins. Like the buy bet the commission is adjusted to suit the betting unit such that fraction of a dollar payouts are not needed.
Most multi-roll bets are similar to the Come bet above in that the round may be won by the shooter making point before the outcome of the bet is decided. As with the Come bet, these bets are considered "not working" until the next point is established, unless the player calls the bet as "working." Casino rules vary on this; some of these bets may not be callable, while others may be considered "working" during the come-out.

Betting Odds
Bet Actual Odds Odds Paid House Edge
Pass / Come 251 : 244 1 : 1 1.41%
Don’t Pass / Don’t Come (Bar 12) 976 : 949 1 : 1 1.36%
Pass Odds / Come Odds Same as paid 2 : 1 on 4 or 10 0%
3 : 2 on 5 or 9
6 : 5 on 6 or 8
Don’t Pass Odds / Don’t Come Odds Same as paid 1 : 2 against 4 or 10 0%
2 : 3 against 5 or 9
5 : 6 against 6 or 8
Yo (11) 17 : 1 15 : 1 11.11%
3 17 : 1 15 : 1 11.11%
2 35 : 1 30 : 1 13.89%
12 35 : 1 30 : 1 13.89%
Hi-Lo 17 : 1 15 : 1 11.11%
Craps 8 : 1 7 : 1 11.11%
C & E 5 : 1 3 : 1 on craps 11.11%
7 : 1 on 11
Any 7 5 : 1 4 : 1 16.67%
Field 5 : 4 1 : 1 on 3,4,9,10 or 11 5.56%
2 : 1 on 2 and 12
Field 5:4 1 : 1 on 3,4,9,10 or 11 2.78%
2 : 1 on 2, 3:1 on 12
The Horn 5 : 1 27 : 4 on 2 or 12 12.50%
3 : 1 on 3 or 11
Whirl/World2 : 126 : 5 on 2 or 1213.33%
11 : 5 on 3 or 11
0 : 1 (push) on 7
Hard way 4 / Hard way 10 8 : 1 7 : 1 11.11%
Hard way 6 / Hard way 8 10 : 1 9 : 1 9.09%
Big 6 6 : 5 1 : 1 9.09%
Big 8 6 : 5 1 : 1 9.09%
Place 4 / Place 10 2 : 1 9 : 5 6.67%
Place 5 / Place 9 3 : 2 7 : 5 4%
Place 6 / Place 8 6 : 5 7 : 6 1.52%
Buy 4 / Buy 10 2 : 1 2:1 + 5% commission 5%
Buy 5 / Buy 9 3 : 2 3:2 + 5% commission 5%
Buy 6 / Buy 8 6 : 5 6:5 + 5% commission 5%
Lay 4 / Lay 10 1 : 2 1:2 + 5% commission 5%
Lay 5 / Lay 9 2 : 3 2:3 + 5% commission 5%
Lay 6 / Lay 8 5 : 6 5:6 + 5% commission 5%

Poker Dice


The player rolls the dice and may put aside any of the five, or throw all five dice again.

They may repeat this for a total of three throws, but may not throw more dice on any roll than on the previous one.

Following players may not take more throws than the first player.

The scoring value is Ace high down to the Nine.

Scoring Combinations

Fives Five of a kind
Fours Four of a kind
Full house Three of a kind plus One Pair
Straight A run of five
Threes Three of a kind
Two Pair
One Pair


The trademarked name of a popular dice game made by Milton Bradley (now owned by Hasbro).

The object of the game is to score the most points by rolling five dice up to three times to make certain combinations.

A game of Yahtzee consists of thirteen rounds during which the player chooses which scoring combination is to be used in that round.

Yahtzee Score Card
Category Description Score
Number of dice showing 1Sum of 1s
Number of dice showing 2Sum of 2s
Number of dice showing 3Sum of 3s
Number of dice showing 4Sum of 4s
Number of dice showing 5Sum of 5s
Number of dice showing 6Sum of 6s
SUB TOTAL Sum of above
If total is 63 or greater + 35pts
TOTAL Sum of above
Three-Of-A-Kind Three dice showing the same face Sum of all dice
Four-Of-A-KindFour dice showing the same faceSum of all dice
Full HouseA three-of-a-kind and a pair25
Small StraightFour dice showing a sequence30
Large StraightAll five dice showing a sequence40
YahtzeeAll five dice showing the same face50
ChanceAny combinationSum of all dice
Yahtzee Bonus100pts per bonus


The maximum possible score is 1575 (13 "yahtzees").

Probabilities of Scores
Score At Least Probability
150 98%
200 81%
250 45%
300 13%
400 3%
500 1%