
CharacterUniform ColourVehicleNamed afterVoiced by
Jeff TracyPeter Dyneley
(dob April 14 1996)
pale blue Thunderbird 1 Scott Carpenter Shane Rimmer
(dob August 15 1999)
pale yellow Thunderbird 2 Virgil GrissomDavid Holliday
Jeremy Wilkin
(dob March 12 2005)
whiteThunderbird 3Alan ShepardMatt Zimmerman
(dob February 14 2004)
orangeThunderbird 4Gordon Cooper David Graham
(dob October 28 2001)
lilac Thunderbird 5John Glenn Ray Barrett
Grandma Tracy Christine Finn
Brains David Graham
Kyrano David Graham
Tin-Tin Christine Finn
The Hood Ray Barrett
Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward
FAB 1 Sylvia Anderson
Aloysius "Nosey" Parker
David Graham

Thunderbird 1 : Hypersonic variable geometry rocket plane used for fast response, rescue zone reconnaissance, and as a mobile control base.
Length : 35 m (115 feet)
Wingspan : 24 m
Max speed : 15,000 mph (Mach 22.6)
Launches: vertically from a pad camouflaged by a swimming pool

Thunderbird 2 : Heavy supersonic vertical take-off and landing carrier lifting body aircraft used for the transport of major rescue equipment and vehicles.
Length : 76 m
Height : 18 m
Wingspan : 55 m
Max speed : 5,000 mph (Mach 7.6)
Launches: island's landing strip

Thunderbird 3 : Reusable, vertically launched SSTO (Single Stage To Orbit) spaceship used for space rescue and maintenance of Thunderbird 5
Length : 87 m
Body Span : 7 m, 24 m (including engines)
Speed : at least 25,000 mph
Launches: vertically from below the round house

Thunderbird 4 : Small utility submarine for underwater rescue
Length : 9 m
Width : 3 m
Launches: Pod 4 or independently from the Thunderbird 2 hangar

Thunderbird 5 : Earth-orbiting space station which monitors all broadcasts around the globe for calls for help and also manages communications within International Rescue
Length : 122 m
Width : 90 m
Height : 83 m
Launches: Permanent Orbit

FAB 1 : Lady Penelope's pink Rolls-Royce.

FAB 2 : Lady Penelope's yacht.

Thunderbird 2 Pod Vehicles.

Booster Mortar A small cannon used to fire rescue packages into high structures. Similar in design to the Laser Cutter.

DOMO A restraint vehicle with three suction arms to restrain or lift unstable structures prior to the use of other pod vehicles.

Elevator Cars One manned and three remote-controlled vehicles used to assist aircraft in landings, these can be manoeuvred into place beneath an aircraft to act as replacement landing gear.

Excavator A high-powered rock-crushing machine used to clear rough terrain or unblock caves with people trapped inside.

Firefly A fire-proof vehicle, fitted with a large blade and armed with a nitroglycerin cannon to extinguish fires.

Fire Tender Adapted commercial vehicle, this serves as a back-up to the Firefly and Fire Truck and can fire nitroglycerin like the Firefly.

Fire Truck An upgraded commercial vehicle used to launch nitroglycerin shells to extinguish fires or pump water or foam onto blazes.

Hover Jets Small personal transports that hover above the ground.

Jet-Air Transporter An air-cushioned vehicle which uses jets of air to slow people falling from great heights.

Laser Cutter Vehicle A small tracked vehicle with a powerful front-mounted laser used to gain quick entry to secure buildings.

Mobile Crane A six-wheeled 'cherry picker' vehicle used to lift rescue personnel into tall structures and even moving structures.

Mole A high-speed, manned tunnelling machine capable of boring through even the hardest rock to rescue individuals trapped underground.

Monobrake A low-slung utility vehicle capable of travelling along monorail tunnels.

Neutraliser Tractor A small tracked vehicle able to use sonic waves to deactivate bombs.

One manned and one remote-controlled vehicle equipped with magnetic grappling lines to haul large weights.

A remotely operated flying camera designed to withstand extreme heat. Carried aboard Thunderbird 1.

A tracked truck that can send a safety beam to space to save stranded spacecraft like the 'Sun Probe' or Thunderbird 3.

Vehicles not belonging to International Rescue

Crablogger 1
Tree-felling machine powered by a Superon-fuelled atomic reactor. Fitted with two large arms equipped with giant chainsaws.

Hypersonic airliner with six atomic motors that enable it to stay in the air for six months.
Maximum speed : Mach 6 (4,500 mph or 7,200 km/h), and can fly at heights above 250,000 feet (76 km).

Multi-purpose jet powered VTOL aircraft, Helijets appear in numerous episodes and are widely used by civilian and military organisations. A variety of different designs are seen over the course of the series and were also seen in Anderson's next series Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons.

Command centre and primary construction unit of a Road Construction Company. On-board systems allowing it to grind up rocks and trees as it moved over them, flatten the ground then lay a six lane motorway behind it.

A military walking vehicle which resembles a giant lobster. Powered by an atomic reactor, the four-legged Sidewinder has two mechanical arms at the front which are used to uproot trees and move aside other obstructions. It is 50 m long and weighs over 500 tonnes.

A next generation strike vessel with "phenomenal" speed.

Skyship One
A large technologically advanced airship designed by Thunderbirds creator Brains under the pseudonym of 'Mr X'.

A large passenger airliner designed by Brains under the pseudonym of "Mr. Hackenbacker".

Zero X
A metallic blue spacecraft that made the first manned landing on Mars. It is assembled hours prior to launch and consists of 5 parts:
MEV (Martian Exploration Vehicle), the main fuselage
Lifting Bodies 1 & 2
Two wing-like structures loaded with thruster packs and also incorporate landing gear at the ends
Reflective Nose Cone, which is a large metallic nose which attaches to the MEV.