
Camberwick Green, Trumpton, and Chigley are three small towns forming an equilateral triangle in Trumptonshire.

They were created by Gordon Murray and the stories narrated by Brian Cant.

The three towns each had their own series.

Camberwick Green ( BBC 1 1966 )
Police Constable McGarry (Number 452)
Mickey Murphy the baker
Dr Mopp (who makes house calls in his vintage car)
Mrs Honeyman, the town gossip, who is always seen carrying her baby
Jonathan Bell owner of a "modern mechanical farm" just outside the village
Windy Miller, owner of a clanking old windmill and a firm believer in old-fashioned farming methods
Mr Dagenham, a travelling salesman who drives an open-topped convertible
Captain Snort Pippin Fort, a nearby military academy
Sgt Major Grout
Staff and cadets
Pierrot He never appears in the stories but turns a roller caption to display the show's closing credits
Trumpton ( BBC 1 1967 )
Mr Troopthe Town Clerk
Chippy Mintonthe carpenter
Nibbs Minton Chippy's son and apprentice
Mrs. Cobbit the florist
Miss Lovelacethe milliner and her trio of pekingese dogs
Mr. Platt the clockmaker
Fire Chief Captain Flack who’s roll-call was recited in every episode
Pugh Firemen
Barney McGrew
Chigley ( BBC 1 1969 )
Windy Miller of Camberwick Green
The Trumpton Fire Brigade
Mr Swallowof Treddle's Wharf
Mr Cresswellowner of Cresswell's Chigley Biscuit factory
Harry Farthingthe potter
Winnie Farthingthe potters daughter
Lord Belborough of Winkstead Hall
Brackett(Lord Belborough’s butler)
Bessiethe steam engine