Looking for the guestbook? It's under "Going Away"! Since you're here, the links are as follows:
Guestbook - the first I got for this site, and thus my favourite ^^;;
Guestbook II - for when the first is down, or if you prefer Alxnet =P
You gotta send me something? A complaint, or a suggestion or something? Just a simple "hello, bye" message? Advertising your homepage? Something? And you're too lazy to use the e-mail or the guestbook? (nice! =P) Fill it in here! If you've noticed a mistake in one of my pages, tell me what page it is, and if possible, include the URL of that page. Alright? Alright. If you don't tell me what you like or don't like, I can't change it, hear that? And please don't waste your time sending me any ads irrelevent to someone of my age, sex and residence, I'll just delete them.
If that doesn't work, if your browser can't handle forms, then you will have to resort to sending me a message the old-fashioned way: e-mail - hazirah@hotmail.com. Heheh. ^^;;
Little or big, the last update was on 14-Dec-2002 | HOME
E-mail forms or plain e-mail? You choose! ^^;;