"It's the flu. Fear is flu." - Nescaf, Asterix and the Normans (comic) Top Pics

These computer-drawn images (awful, ain't they, especially the very first one! ...although I'm quite proud of Comet's rollerblade) have graced the front page or update page at one time or another, for about a week or longer. Nothin' special about them. Click on the dates to see 'em. They don't take long to load, don't worry.

This year's stuff!

10 Jan: Something a little colourful, celebrating the new year and with a tiny lament that my old stuff is greatly missed (by me anyway). Look at my old top pics and you'll see what I mean. ;)

Wanna see older top pics? =P

Little or big, the last update was on 10-Jan-2004 | HOME
These are simple things for me to draw... ^^;;