"Now if you excuse me, I have an ocean to stare at" - Tish, The Weekenders (cartoon series) Essays & Translations


BAM Fanfics
Thoughts on writing Bust A Move/Groove fanfiction. Redone September 2002

Untitled, not yet up ^^;;
Some thoughts about Youichi Takatoo of the manga Kindaichi Shounen No Jikenbo, also known as Penyiasat Remaja in the Malaysian-translated version.


These are translations of the symbols at the bottom of every page in the books "Artemis Fowl" and "Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident" (by Eoin Colfer). I translated them myself, thank you very much. This is just for fun, so please don't sue me, but don't think that I'm going to let you steal them, so don't even DARE. Also, I'm not stopping you from translating the codes yourself, so go ahead. I encourage it, it's fun.

Prophecies of Ohm
Translation from the book "Artemis Fowl" by Eoin Colfer. That really is the title of the message.

Seeking Mud Fairies
Translation from the book "Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident" by Eoin Colfer. I made up the title.


Wanna comment on my essays or translations? =)


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Little or big, the last update was on 03-Dec-2002 | HOME
It was said that only Foaly could read the Centaurian computer language... riiight. ^.^