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And we express our dearest gratitue to our fellow hunter-gatherer who donated the pics. When hes not shooting tractors or hunting cats,he likes to relax as ...THE HARLEQUIN.

The sound of jingling bells rattles through a Venetian alleyway,as a gaunt, orchidaceous being darts out of a window,onto unsuspecting tourists. T'is the Harlequinn! Watch as his lanky self crawls up walls in seconds,before pouncing on innocent travellers,ransacking their posessions,then casting them into a canal! This gangly character has caused tourism in Italy to slump to an all time low,and will continue to do so until he is deported. A keen entertainer, the Harlequin finds time to show off his one-handed juggling talents to young school children,where he is often ridiculed for his non-human appearence. This victim of social intolerance is a prime example of people's ignorance to one another. So please,send a donation (kindly in cash) to the aforementioned address, so we can all have peace of mind that unfairly treated jesters can live in harmony from hereon.