~!~Steph's Page~!~
Hey,I'm Steph, and this is my gay, lil page that I made because I apparently have way too much free time. I'm tall and it sucks,I have a weird obsession with the CareBears, and I devote way too much time to a sport Im not really that good at. Well that's a basic rundown of me. Thats me in the pic! (If you couldn't guess that one) Check out the rest of my site.. Like my pictures & shoutouts*everyone say ewww....awww* Oh yeah, and I dont mean to be pushy or anything, but YOU BETTER SIGN THE GUESTBOOK BEFORE YOU LEAVE!!! Thanx bunches...My email addy is at the bottom of the page..you are more than welcome to add me to your MSN IM If you have ICQ my is: 200653250
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