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Henriquito, the wizard of West Wanton looked despairingly at his whimisical, forlorn apprentice Petrulanga.  Raising his eyebrows he remarked - "Late again my Pet?  No, spare me the tirade of your remarkable excuses - you are here now and that is all that matters".  Petrulanga looked coyly at her Master - thinking to herself - that it didnt matter to him that she had got lost, yet again in this wicked wood.  Sighing hopefully unnoticed, she placed her basket on the table.
"So Pet, are you ready to learn the Horrible AV spell?"  "Yes Sir" she said with a bemused look on her face.  She thought to herself - I will never get the hang of this 'orrible av spell - and Sir isnt going to be to pleased when he sees the contents of mi basket.
"The Horrible AV spell - is to make all these pretty av's the young ladies wear appear to have long noses, big ears and warts".  "Yes Sir". Pet replied cautiously.  "Well then Pet - empty your basket .  Have you got all the ingredients that I told you to collect - we haven't got all day?".
"Erm Sir" Pet muttered.  "I did collect the frog, the wriggly worm, the eye of newt and the corn on the cob - but then I got lost in the woods".
He looked at her with increasing despair, shaking his head in disbelief.  He walked over to the table and lifted the cover from the basket.  He looked inside and saw NOTHING!!.  "Pet, you didnt collect the ingredients" - he questioned?  "Yes Sir - I did" she answered, looking at him through misty, moist eyes.  Sniffling, she carried on "I wuz lost, them paths look all the same to mi.  Then I wuz hungry - so I ett the corn on the cob.  The frog ett the worm, then hopped away.  But I have got the eye of the newt - 'cept his eyes shut."
"Come here my Pet" the wizard said.  He reached his long bony arms and hugged her  close to him.  Moving the hair tenderly from her forehead,  he kissed her softly and said "Nevermind dear, we can try again tomorrow......".
H + P Designs 2001