The Wizard hugged his Pet. He kissed her lightly on the cheek. "Farewell my Pet" he said. "I will only be gone a week...I am sure no harm will come to you. I would take you with me...but I know that you will only be bored and I am sure that you can find something to do to amuse yourself here". "Yes Maestro" Pet answered.....wishing that he did not have to go to this stupid Wizard convention........whatever that was! |
Several hours later.....a very bored Pet...wondered what she should do with herself. She thought about her friends that she hadn't seen for so long. She wondered if she could conjure up a spell just to look at what they were doing. She went to the Wizard's big spellbook and singing merrily to herself started throwing things into the cooking pot. |
Before she could say "Holy Cow" she found herself being transported through time and space. Where on the planet was she??? She found herself sitting on a only what looked like Bedlam!! It was so, so hot. Lots of people rushing around and these big metal boxes on wheels with people inside them flying past her. What had she done? Why could'nt she leave well alone? Would she ever see her beloved Wizard again? |
A policeman came to her. He was very nice and understanding. He took her to a police station around the block to decide what to do. The Wizard felt a tug on his brain. He closed his eyes and summoned up a picture of Pet. What was he to do with her? Perhaps he should leave her to her own devices for a week. It would teach her a lesson.....a lesson she deserved to learn. The only thing that Pet would need in Las Vegas was money. He concentrated hard......and a piece of oblong plastic arrived in Pet's pocket. |
Seeing that she had no luggage the policeman asked Pet to empty her pockets. She was amazed to find this piece of plastic (although she did not know what plastic was!!!). She wondered what it was. He told her that everything would be she had the "means" to stay in a hotel. He arranged a hotel for her and she reluctantly got into one of those metal boxes on wheels. She passed what looked like the pyramids...Was she in Eqypt? The she passed the Eifel tower....was she in France? Oh!! where was she? |