"Mommy ? if Omar doesn't have an identity off line how can there be pictures of him?"
"Well sweet pea, Omar is a very talented person."
"But mom..."
"Here dear, have a pudding, no more questions."
since pictures of Omar are praticularly hard to come by here is a photgraph of his cat. Ho Chi Zen is a Cheshire/Shrödinger mix, and very friendly.
This picture depicts as scene in Omar's childhood. See him there? No, not behind the Grape Nuts. Thats someone else. who? not important. See, Omar is under the counter. He's a little camera shy, so he's hiding.
One of Omar's many attempts at fame. This one failed almost as badly as the falafel franchiese.....
Omar was spotted in this picture of the Seattle WTO protests. He's near the middle. Yeah, he's the one punching the policeman. A moment after this was taken a riot erupted. Silly Omar, created all that trouble.
This is Omar napping. He get's tired of all the chaos sometimes. A nap in the late afternoon can be a relief from all the work he does.
It is a little known fact that Omar was featured in the hit
movie "Monty Python's Search For the Holy Grail." He can be seen in this picture.
He's the one with the arrow pointing to him. Omar saw the violence inherent
in the system.
Omar has been known to do stunt double work for Torg from Sluggy Freelance. When Torg wants to go on vacation Pete Abrams will come up with a plot line that does not include Torg's face and Omar will step in. Above is such an example.
The art shown above is the property of Pete Abrams, who we love.
Omar at Lake Ontario, just part of his recent trip to Canada (summer 2002). The ever unsolved question remains: what is that book in the forground on the left ??
UPDATE: Its war and peace. Go figure.
A flowchart from the National Institutes of Health which clearly proclaims that they've hired Omar for the arranging of topics for systematic review. NIH is in for a big suprise if they think that he's gonna actually do it.
A picture of the cover of Omar's Biography, telling the shocking story of Omar's creation, his time playing baseball, his short lived career as a bar stool, and reveals the secrets of the infamous 48th table event. 23 days after it was published, every single copy mysteriously disapeared. I have no idea who that guy on the cover is. It certainly ain't Omar.
And so the search continues for pictures of our slippery friend. If you find any send em to ravenhurst30@hotmail.com.