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Haven't written on here for so long so I thought I'd better give a quick summary of stuff just in case anyone bothered to have a look..... Also see the Photos section for lots of pictures.


Am still very happily with Ian; we went to Ibiza last summer (you can see some of the pictures in the Photos section), and in a couple of weeks we're hoping to go away for a couple of days on a last minute deal, probably to Amsterdam.


I'm sure by now everyone knows about my TV 'fame'.... In July 2003 I went on the BBC2 Quiz Show 'The Weakest Link'. and triumphantly walked away with £2870! The show STILL hasn't been broadcast, the BBC people now say that transmission is likely to be in March, but I'll get in touch as and when I hear anything.


            Holding the sacred cheque and looking somewhat smug.....


I'm still an enthusiastic musician, this year being on the Committee of the UCL Jazz Society, for whom I play the flute and saxophone. Have played numerous gigs both in and out of university, and we may go on a European tour in the summer which would obviously be a great experience. 

I am also involved with 'London Student', a newspaper with an audience of over 100,000 students. I am a Features Writer and have recently contributed articles on such diverse subjects as World Issues, Fad Diets, and Facing the Wrath of Anne Robinson.....obviously an article truly written from the heart! You can see some of my work in the LS Archive (issue 4 pg 30, issue 3 pg 28).


This term I'm going to be doing some work in a London Secondary School as part of the 'Student Associates Scheme'. This basically is a scheme that allows 120 students a year to earn £600 by spending 15 days between January and June assisting in the classroom and participating in teaching. I will be teaching English, but as of yet have little information regarding exactly what is required of me - the Induction Day is on Saturday and my first day in school will be within the next couple of weeks, so I'll soon find out what I've let myself in for....... Nonetheless I'm sure it will be an interesting and eye-opening experience, and hopefully a more rewarding way of paying for next summer's holiday without having to stack shelves.....


Please make sure to keep in touch and tell me what you're up to, hope you're all well and happy.


Heather xxx