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. . .12.12. . .

Funny, it hasn't felt like four months! Basically gang, I'm here to tell you that sadly, there will be no more sounds added to this page. The way this house is, it's much too hard to get into a spot where I can create the files again. Unless someone knows how I might be able to hook my DVD player up to a computer monitor?

Vin Diesel is still very much the man and I'm still very much Fruit Loops for him, but with school and work and the possibility of going to Japan next fall -- it's probably for the best.

Over the next couple days, I might be taking down some graphics to simplify the page but I'm not touching the sounds! This is one of the best places to get Vin sounds and I'm proud of that. So enjoy what I have to offer, sorry I couldn't have done more with it!

. . .8.14. . .

Moving is such a pain in the ass. But I am here now, that's the important thing right? And 2 more viewings of the Fast and the Furious later, I am still a raving Vin fanatic. This just never gets old does it?? *Grins*


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