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BreAnna's web page

I"m still working on my 1 web page. It is fun. hope you enjoy my web page.It is all about me and what i like!

Three big girls

My friends and I have this singing group called Three Big Girls. We have made alot of songs up our mane song that goeses with our group, is called Some Girls. My friends names are Victoria Macardo, and Alysha Wodsworth. We relly love singing. I have sung with them for 2 years i think. But it is just something we love to do.

Going To A bigger school.

This year I'm going to a diferint school I'm goning to be in the sixth grade and in a bigger school. But the cool thing is that I will go to tha same school as al my friends. And it will be fun. But the thing is you will have alot more hame work and alot more responsibility. Some of my friends ask if we will still be friends even though we are going to new and biggre school, and I say well we will still be friends but we will have more friends but you will still be my best friends. So I hope I will have fun in a bigger school.

My friends.

I will tell you all about my friends. they are,Victoria Macardo.She is a really good friend she is there when I need her and I will be there for her.

Alysha Wodworth I have known her for 2 years, Some times we get into fights but they are stupid little things but we get back togather.

Dar-ci Calhoun, she is a relly nice friend everybody likes her alot.

Cheyanne South, Before we were friends we rely didint know eachother when I first saw she I though she was going to be miss priss. And she thought I was going to be mean but then we got to now each other then we became good friends.

Tatiana Olavera, She is a funny funny friend when your not in a good mood she can make your day she will make you happy any time.

Kimberly Selph, I have known her since second grade, She lives behind me.

Jessica Solbrack, we dont go to the same school but we have been on the same basketball and bacsball team for 6 years in a roe.

And Robert Fleming I have kown him since pre-school. Thouse are all my friends.

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