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Matthew Thomas

Mr. Bengford

Musical Theatre 5

October 25, 2007


Cooking a Can of Beans: Mime Techniques


  1. Take three mime steps downstage
  2. Take two mime steps stage left
  3. Reach up curl onto cabinet handle
  4. Click cabinet handle
  5. Pull cabinet open
  6. Explode off of handle
  7. Curl onto a can of beans
  8. Click can of beans
  9. Set can of beans on the counter
  10. Explode off of can of beans
  11. Reach back into cabinet and curl onto bowl
  12. Click bowl
  13. Set bowl onto counter with explosion
  14. Curl onto can of beans
  15. Click can of beans
  16. Unscrew lid of beans
  17. Set lid onto counter with explosion
  18. Pour beans into bowl
  19. Put can of beans down with explosion
  20. Curl onto bowl
  21. Pick up bowl with click
  22. With other hand curl onto microwave door
  23. Click microwave door and open
  24. Set beans in with explosion
  25. Close microwave door
  26. Press buttons to make it start
  27. Mime walk two steps stage right
  28. Curl onto drawer under counter
  29. Click drawer
  30. Pull drawer open
  31. Curl onto spoon
  32. Click spoon
  33. Close drawer with explosion
  34. Mime walk two steps stage right
  35. Curl onto microwave handle
  36. Click handle
  37. Pull open microwave door and explode
  38. Curl onto bowl
  39. Click bowl and set on counter with explosion
  40. Curl onto microwave handle
  41. Click handle and close microwave door with explosion
  42. Dip spoon into bowl and eat