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Scotland News




In case you missed this information, our travel dates & times are:


July 31                                                          San Francisco, CA - Heathrow, London

British Airways:  Flight #284                      leave: 4:50PM  arrive: 11:00AM


August 14                                                     Edinburgh - Heathrow, London

British Airways:  Flight #1439                    leave: 9:05AM  arrive: 10:30AM


August 14                                                     Heathrow, London - San Francisco, CA

British Airways:  Flight #287                      leave: 1:50PM  arrive: 4:35PM




Our Trip ID# is:  #44901737

You'll need this number if you decide to enroll in the trip protection plan




New News:

We have been assigned our performance times and venue - this means you can let overseas friends and relatives know so they can set up their vacation schedules to come visit Edinburgh and see you perform!


Here's our Edinburgh show schedule:


Technical Rehearsal:         Sunday, August 6    4pm - 6pm


Performance #1:      Tuesday, August 8 10AM-12noon

Performance #2:      Wednesday, August 9        12noon - 2pm

Performance #3:      Thursday, August 10           6pm-8pm

Performance #4:      Saturday, August 12           8pm-10pm


Our performance space is the elegant Churchill Theatre, Venue #137 on Morningside.  Photos of the interior of this beautiful theatre are posted in the Drama Room.





A $375 payment is due March 29 and another $375 is due April 26.  If you will be skipping this payment and paying $750 on April 26, please let me know.




Script & Audition Info:

I am nearly done with the third draft of the script.  I will have copies for you to take home on Thursday, April 6th.  You will want to read the play over spring break and come back ready for auditions.


Everyone going to Scotland to come to all four audition sessions – everyone is going to go through the audition process.  Once you have all read, sung and danced, we will cast our actors and our technicians.


Auditions will be:

Tuesday, May 9 2:30-4:30 (music and reading)

Wednesday, May 10 2:30-4:30 (music and reading)

Friday, May 12 2:30-4:30 (music and reading)

Saturday, May 13 10:00AM-4PM (movement, music and reading)




Confirming Saratoga Performance:

I asked you to pencil into your calendars July 21 as a possible performance – and that date is now definite.  We will take Chalk Circle to Saratoga High School on that date and perform the play for them.



5:00PM          call @ Westmont, load up and notes

6:30PM          leave for Saratoga

7:00-7:15       Load in

7:15-7:30       House Opens

7:30                Curtain

8:45-9:00       Load out

9:00-9:30       chat with Saratoga

9:30-945        return to Westmont

9:45-10:00    unload & go home


Saratoga will come to Westmont and perform their show for us on either Tuesday, July 25 or Thursday, 27 – we will meet to watch them perform on one of those nights and have a rehearsal on whichever night they donŐt come to us.





Do you have yours yet?  If not, you better get busy!