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Your Name:                                                                   


Do you wish to give fundraising points to a student?      NO    YES: (who?)                                     


Home Phone:                                            Cell Phone:                                     



STUDENTS ONLY SHOW: Thursday, October 13 @ 7:30

W/ASB: $8 (in advance)     $10 (at the door)

$10 (in advance)     $12 (at the door)


PERFORMANCES: October 14, 15 & 20, 22 @ 7:30 & October 22 @ 2:00

Students: $12 (in advance)           $15 (at the door)

Adults: $15 (in advance)    $20 (at the door)


BBQ DINNER SHOW: Friday, October 21 @ 6:30

Students & Children under 12: $20  /  Adults: $25



Which night do you want tickets for?

Use a new form for each night you need tickets.


q      Thursday, October 13 @ 7:30 (Students & teachers only)

SOLD OUT  Friday, October 14@ 7:30

SOLD OUT  Saturday, October 15@ 7:30

q      Thursday, October 20@ 7:30

q      Friday, October 21@ 7:30

q      Saturday, October 22 @ 2:00 Matinee

SOLD OUT  Saturday, October 22 @ 7:30


How many tickets do you need?                                                                    


If availability allows for a choice, do you have a seating preference?    Close       or      Risers


Make checks payable to: “Westmont Drama”

Deliver this order form in a sealed envelope to the:

Westmont High School Main Office: Attention: Mr. Bengford


Requests will be processed in the order received.