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The Magus

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The Magus

Drawing the Magus suggests an over-focus on image. You feel that you have the tools to accomplish your goals; however, you lack the confidence to trust yourself with those tools, and seek the validation of others. In a sense, you have become self-aware, but that awareness is based on the value that others place in you. You may need to develop your abilities and trust your skills to carry you through the day, and worry less about the opinions of others.

The image is of a young man, wearing the garb of a mystic. Before him are the tools of his trade, various items representing the four alchemic elements; air, fire water, and earth. He holds aloft the sword, symbol of creativity and instigation, the tool of power of the Left Hand Path. He also points to the pentacle, symbol of materialism and primal values. Upon the blade of the sword is the infinity symbol; a symbol formed by the union of the solar and lunar discs, suggesting that the union of opposites is the key to progress, but this idea is not yet developed in the Magus.

The structure of the image divides the Magus in half; the table age splits the figure at the waste. This is symbolic of the division within the individual between the spiritual and primal urges. For all his posing and boasting, the Magus is still a divided individual, and his personal awareness is only at a beginning.

The traditional meaning of this image is new beginnings, especially in efforts involving communication.

Copyright 2005 Jason Sorrell