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The Wheel

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The Wheel

Drawing the Wheel indicates a need to find one’s place in life, or a lack of purpose despite awareness of potential. The issues of the outer world serve to distract you, and you are missing the things which are truly important. The Wheel represents a cycle which you are mired in, and seem unable to break free.

The image is of a wheel. Four places are indicated on the wheel. At its lowest point is nothingness, or oblivion. The wheel, interestingly, travels counter-clockwise, against the natural path of the sun, suggesting our progress requires us to oppose the forces of the outer world in order to advance. At the next position, traveling upward, clings a wolf, representing the wisdom of our primal nature. At the highest point of the wheel sits a sphinx, a balanced merger between the primal and the spiritual. The downward position is held by an ape, representing the foolish delusions possible in the spiritual.

The focus of the image, however, is not the outer wheel, but the inner point. Formed by the six spokes is a glyph representing the union of God and Goddess, of primal and spiritual. This suggests that we must find a way to separate ourselves from the cycle of transitory and temporary positions on the wheel and instead try to seek a permanent and balanced center.

The traditional meaning of this image is instability, change, and impermanence.

Copyright 2005 Jason Sorrell