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Hey everyone~!~ My name is Jú£ïê §mïh~!~ I am from the small town of Opp, Alabama where I attend OHS. I am currently in the 9th grade. *YEA* I'm a FRESHMAN!! *L* This past marching season I was on the OHS Marching Black and Gold Colorguard Line~!~ I am about 5'4 with strawberry-blonde hair and green eyes. For all you guys I am NOT single! I have a wonderful boyfriend And His name is Michael Straughn and I LOVE him every much!! :) And all you gurl out there you BETTER leave him alone!! I have 2 brothers and a sisters~!~ ;)) My 3 BEST Friend In the WHOLE World are Jodie Johnson, Nicki Glass and Lynn Smith..Thanx you guys so much for alwayz being their for me! Remember I will always be their for you guys! My favorite kind of music is rap, but I like a lot of the "other stuff" too! My favorite food is "caramel"! *LOL* Naw...I just like the way it looks~!~ *inside joke* My favorite color is Orange! (Cantcha tell?) :) Oh and I am a HUGE AUBURN TIGERS fan~!~ So for all you Alalooser fans-*singz* "We kicked ya'll's @$§!!!"! *LOL* Now I ain't hatein...just tellin tha truth~!~ I go in Alachat as *Caramels*_gurl or Mike-Mikes_Chick. My e-mail is or Feel free to e-mail me sometimes! Well I guess that's all there is to know about me...if I told ya anything else I'd have to kill ya! *L* Nah just ask me, and I'll prolly tell ya! Check out the rest of muh page and don't forget to sign the book on the way out~!~ Later peeps~!~

JuLiE SmItH LoVeS MiChAeL StRaUgHn
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