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Here Are some Of My Friends:

Michael Straughn- Hey Baby! I Love you so much! And my life wouldn't be right without you in it!You mean the world to me and I hope we are together 4/ever!Love ya LOTZ
Beth Copeland- Hey Gurl. We used to be such good friends in 5th grade. We were alwayz together and I could tell you everything. Now You have changed so much and we dont ever talk any more. But I guess Its better this way! Love ya
Brandi Wilson- Hey gurl! It has been so much fun in computer lit listing to Mikey fuss at Dustin. And Dustin and Andrew acting like they know everything!Man that was so funny. It has been realy fun. Good luck with Steven!
Quet Hines- Hey gurl! Your so CRAZY! It was fun in computer Lit. You shouldnt have left me in here with all these weird boys.*L* Don't make fun of my fruit stand cuz your the one that come up with it!
Nikki Glass- Hey gurl! Your just like a Big sis to me. Your alwayz there for me when i need to talk. Girl I remember when we didnt like each other because of Chris...Man that was so crazy! Remember that time at that party when we couldnt even walk straight and we were trying to Dance! And me and Deb falling and hitting that table man that was so Much FUN!
Jodie Johnson- Hey gurlie I know at first we wasnt that close but look at us now your living in the same house as me. Who would have ever guessed that one? Not me :) Ne wayz gurl I can talk to you about ne thing! Remember Im alwayz gonna be here for you! Good luck with Jamie!
Chris Poole- Hey man your just like a big brother to me! You are alwayz their when i need someone to take care of the guys*L* Ne wayz hope every thing works out for you and Nicki!
Lynn Smith (sister)- Hey gurl! Your The best sister any Girl could ever have you are alwayz here for me when i need you and even when i dont need you :)
Alicia Hartline- Hey gurl your so crazy! I wouldnt traed you for anything! Good luck with chris!