| Promo | 01 | Record | 00 - 00 - 00 | | Next Match | vs. JBL/Undertaker/Jindrak | Stip. | 4-Way Match | Event | Total Impact | | Legacy | None Yet
ROCK & ROLL-AH Another week in the hectic life of the Living Legend, and another victory for that LIVING LEGEND. Just as he said once again, he did so. Not ONE person expected Jericho to return to ECE but did he? You're damn right he did. Chris Jericho has proven he can DEFEAT the BEST.. The supposed BEST in history.. What else must he prove? Does he have to prove anything else? You'd think not.. But this is just the beginning, it gets tougher from here on in. Since day 1 Jericho has been thrown into matches against 'inferior' competition, take the first two matches he had.. Only two words to sum up Jericho in those matches.. SHEER DOMINANCE. After that, Jericho's ability seems to have finally been recognised putting him up against the icon, and well.. We all know the result of that one. This coming week on X-Rated, Y2J takes on not one man.. but TWO! Yes TWO opponents in the ECE ring all as a matter of facing 'worthy competition' The type of character that Jericho is, beating Hogan and HHH before proves he's the best right? So where's the real competition? Without a doubt I think you can say a tag match, that's real competition! The scene flickers and fades in slowly to set the scene in a quiet restaurant, lights dimmed, spotless white cloth covering the table, candles present, even a rose placed in a vase and Champers on the rocks. Who else would receive this treatment than the LIVING LEGEND? Well.. You guessed right.. 'beat the CHUMP' Y 2 J : Haa.. It feels good being THIS good jerky, THISSS GOOD! Take a look at me Candice baby, I'm not on top of the world.. I'M ON TOP OF THE UNIVERSE JUNIOR! THE DAMN UNIVERSE! 'cold hard BITCH' Candice Michelle: And apparently your heads now BIGGER than the universe.. 'beat the CHUMP' Y 2 J : Good one Candice, I'll let you have that one.. But junior.. Did you see my performance at Wrestlemania II, DID YOU? Not only have I DESTROYED legends but.. I think you gotta add Hulk Hogan to that list of ASSCLOWNS that have indefintely been STOPPED AND DROPPED! Can I GET any better jerky, Can I? CAN I?! 'cold hard BITCH' Candice Michelle: Well you're definitely getting LOUDER.. I know what you did Chris, I know you won, but be realistic.. 'beat the CHUMP' Y 2 J : REALISTIC? What the HELL do you think I'm being junior? I BEAT the Immortal Hulk Hogan, the man who's number 1 in this business and I'm not being realistic? Eeesh.. You'd think I'd just lost to Bret Hart or something. Jerky, when YOU'VE beaten the icon then YOU can tell me to act 'realistic' but until then.. Know this.. I am THE ICON in ECE at this moment, I am the ONLY SUPERSTAR that the management care about.. Face it, I'm pulling it the ratings after beating Hogan, simple as that. You seem to be missing the point that ALLLL the JERICHOHOLICSS can see, and that is that I.. Chris Jericho.. AM A HUUUUGE ROCK.. SLASH.. SUPER - STAR! Just then a waitor comes to the table to enquire about what Chris and Candice will be eating tonight. 'twiddly moustache' Phillis : Good evening madam, sir.. I'm sure you'll be DELIGHTED to hear the specials we have on offer for you this evening, and if I may add, they are simply brilliant. 'beat the CHUMP' Y 2 J : Uhh.. Uhh.. What do you think you're doing JACKASS? Can you not see that the 'HI-LITE' of your pathetic night was in the middle of something? Did you not see that I was in the middle of a conversation junior? What's your name anyway? 'twiddly moustache' Phil : Erm.. It's Phillip 'beat the CHUMP' Y 2 J : ERM.. ERMMM.. DID YOU FORGET YOUR NAME JACKASS! As it is you've already got a pathetic life, looking at you repulses me but it also seems your IQ is about as low as Candice Michelle's standards ! And when that's the case you've got something to worry about JUNIOR! Now Phillis, run along and I'll click my fingers when you're wanted.. 'twiddly moustache' Phil : We disregard finger clicking in this restaurant sir, we like to see ourselves as being of 'higher class' 'beat the CHUMP' Y 2 J : Listen jerk-off, if you were of higher class you wouldn't have problems remembering personal facts about yourself now would you? Junior, it's people like you that sicken me, people like you that make me feel sorry for some of the world's citizens.. Ahh who am I kidding.. I could give a damn for wasters like you, now get out of my face because you're using up my Oxygen, and jerky, your simply a waste of life.. A waste of life that doesn't deserve to breath oxygen, let alone CHRIS JERICHO's Oxygen! Now run along jackass! 'twiddly moustache' Phil : So you're not ready to order? 'beat the CHUMP' Y 2 J : WOULD YOU PUH-LEASE JUST SHUTTT THE HELL UP! I've already told you jerk-off, I will tell you when I'm ready.. And as I'm such a LIVING LEGEND, the first EVER UNDISPUTED CHAMPION I may add.. You'll damn sure come running when I click my fingers. If I hear another word out of you, I'll give you a taster of what Hogan experience at Wrestlemania! The man seems highly offended but refuses to respond to Jericho, realising he is a customer.. and CUSTOMERS MEAN PROFIT! Candice now speaks to Chris.. 'cold hard BITCH' Candice Michelle: I feel sorry for him, you didn't have to go that far Chris.. 'beat the CHUMP' Y 2 J : You feel sorry for him? Well run over to Phillis and caress away, be his bitch ! I couldn't care Candice, I just couldn't, when you're the AYATOLLLLAH of ROCK n ROLLA, it matters little whether you've got support, friends, partners.. ALL I CARE FOR IS SUCCESS, THE SUCCESS RELATED TO BEING THEE BEST! 'cold hard BITCH' Candice Michelle: I can see you're worked up, I'll get you some water, maybe this Champagne isn't the best idea right now.. Candice gets up from her seat, and walks over to the bar area where she requests a glass of water from 'Phillis' Jericho seems completely unbothered by this, and instead rants to himself.. 'beat the CHUMP' Y 2 J : Hogan, you're in the past now, I picked up win number 3 out of 3 and I've proved that I am BETTER than you are, and I don't even care if you still have the icon status.. I RAN Hulk Hogan out of ECE! I hope it keeps you warm at night junior. As for Shane McMahon, Putting me in a tag match? You think that was a smart move jerky? You think that was a real master stroke? Well you can throw ANY-THING at Chris Jericho and it won't phase him, you can try ANY-THING to make him drop this record, but I can tell you for starters jerk-off, YOU WON'T SUCCEED. I am the best thing in this federation, damnit I'm the best thing since sliced bread.. They don't come no better than this jackass! But this tag match.. Joke? Surely it must be.. Because I can't help but laugh at who I'm up against.. Triple H? Jesus, you couldn't even frighten a sexually confused teenager into determining his sexuality with that outfit? Listen junior.. There's only ONE person in the Y - 2 - WORRRRLD that can pull that off, and that would be me junior, ME ME ME! Your little tag match or whatever it is.. Male Coming together? Yuck, that makes me feel sick jerk-off.. Ahh shouldn't of said that, I bet you two know a bit about jerk-offs.. Disgusting.. really disgusting. Brock Lesnar? I'll give it ya jerkies, you have some awfully creative, original, unique, yet predominantely PATHETIC ring names. You have the one guy with the shades, one guy who thinks he's a canine and one guy who's.. well.. physically LARGER than LIFE, a real threesome huh? So tell me.. There were three in the bed.. The little one said roll over.. Who was it junior? I'm feelin' a little hungry, so I'm gonna have to get the camera's to leave but Hunter.. you think I'm really gonna be phased by..