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RP #:  One
RP TITLE: " Things Will Definitely Work Out...OUR WAY! "
NEXT OPPONENT: Miller Magnum/Real Deal versus Jason Cross/Maniac
UHW: Weekly Rankings (x5) ; Rp'er of The Week (x1) World Title Tournament Winner, World Heavyweight Champion (x1), Greatest Matches (x1), United States Champion (x1), Match of the Week (x1) CHCW: Television Champion (x1), Hardcore Champion (x1), Prospect of the Week (x1) , Most Improved of the Week (x1) XPW: World Heavyweight Champion(x1), United States Champion (x1), Hardcore Champion (x1), ESCW: X - Champion (x2), Five Star Champion (x1), Television Champion (x1)

Extreme Championship Entertainment Accolades: ECE United States Champion(1x,current)

Felt the DSDD: Sean Matthews(2x)...Mike Sanders(2x)..PG-13..Real Deal...Axel Shaw...Ronnie Styles...Jackson Gunner...Max Gunner.. Chris Cotton..Hardcore Lenny..Terry Gold(2x)..TJ Alexander..

 This role-play and images are all sole property of Tushar Ghate. If you steal 'em, he'll hunt you down, and kick your ass.

X Rated -- What an amazing showcase.. a showcase of course, Of Miller Magnum. The ECE United States Champion will make his presence felt, sending a direct message to Jason Cross and to any of his future enemies. Miller Magnum will prove once and for all that he is The GOAT of this business and he will go through whoever he has to to make that a reality..

After a tremendously hard hitting promo, we open up inside a Pharmacy.. Miller Magnum is standing at the counter, ready to purchase. He presses the buzzer and awaits the in-store Doctor.. After a minute, out from behind a cover walks a man, obviously a Doctor.. you can tell by his big white coat.

Dr. John Michaels -- " Hello Sir, how may I help you? "

Miller Magnum -- " I need something.. "

Dr. John Michaels -- " What would that be? "

Miller Magnum -- " A headache cure. You see Doc, I've got this big Headache and well, I like any man.. need something for it... "

Dr. John Michaels -- " I see.. any special type of headache? "

Miller Magnum -- " Of course.. it's a Maniac. "

Dr. John Michaels -- " Well I can't say I've heard of that Sir.. so I suggest some Asprin.. "

Miller Magnum -- " Asprin for Maniac? Sounds good to me Doc.. "

The Doctor pulls a container out from beneath the desk, picking up a bottle of asprin and putting the tray back..

Dr. John Michaels -- " That'll be $2.49 please.. "

Miller Magnum pulls out his wallet, handing over 3 bucks..

Miller Magnum -- " Keep the change. "

Miller Magnum turns to walk away.. but is stopped...

Dr. John Michaels -- " Wait.. Sir.. I hate to be nuesense.. but uh, I've never heard of a Maniac headache before.. care to explain? I mean.. only if you have time.. "

Miller Magnum -- " Why's it of interest, Doc? "

Dr. John Michaels -- " Well I'm writing a Medical book.. ya'know, one of those do it yourselves thingies.. "

Miller Magnum -- " I see..  "

Dr. John Michaels -- " So.. could we talk? "

Miller Magnum -- " Sure.  "

Both men head to the back.. taking a seat in an office, The Doctor gets a couple glasses out, pouring them both a drink....

Dr. John Michaels -- " So, when did this headache occour? "

Miller Magnum -- " Around two weeks ago.. I was working when some moron called Jason decided to get involved.. ever since then, I've had a huge Maniac headace. "

Dr. John Michaels -- " Have you tried any medicine or.. "

Miller Magnum -- " Funny you should mention it.. last week, the headache got a little more intense.. so I decided to put it down.. I kicked it's ass and it went away.. but now, knowing whats going to happen this week at work, I just know it's coming back and well, what can you do bar traditional methods, huh? "

Dr. John Michaels -- " Sounds like this headache is souly work related.. have you considered a change of career? "

Miller Magnum -- (Mumbles) " Not for me.. but for Maniac. "

Dr. John Michaels -- " Excuse me? "

Miller Magnum -- " Oh sorry, I said.. not for me.. this work is my life.. and Maniac won't destroy that for me.. I don't care what I have to do or how I have to do it.. but it'll go away.. Maniac will go away. "

Dr. John Michaels -- " How do you intend on doing that? "

Miller Magnum -- " My work is purely physical.. I can do anything I want to.. I'm a strong man with a strong mind. Cross isn't able to defeat my will.. it isn't able to defeat me. I won't be beaten and I won't give in.. as I said, I'll do whatever it takes to make sure that this Maniac Headache goes away and never comes back. "

Dr. John Michaels -- " You mean, you're going to make it go away.. on pure will? "

Miller Magnum -- " Not at all doc.. I'm going to force Maniac away.. I'm going to take this headache and crush it like a bug. Afterall, I'm The GOAT.. I'm Miller Magnum.. Nothing or No-body is able to defeat me. Think about it logically.. if you're as strong minded as I' am.. if you're as tough as I' am.. do you really think you'd need any stupid cure.. Do you really think I'm here to help you.. Huh? Don't be idiotic.. I don't know you, I don't even like you.. and you know what.. quite frankly.. you’re a licensed physician right? " (The Doctor Nods) " Your book will fail. I mean, look at you .. I haven't met one doctor who thought he'd fail.. Isn't that incredible considering you people are the more despicable and disgusting people to walk this earth? Isn't it amazing? You sit here, taking notes on something completely and utterly moronic, not questioning for a damn minute that I'm using you to get a point across.. huh? Never crossed your mind, did it? No? Of course it didn't . Let's take Jason Cross for example.. he's nothing but headache.. a small migraine and why? Why is he giving me such a headache? Is it cause I fear him? Maybe I'm scared? No.. it's not any of the above... you see, I've got a headache due to these stupid idiots thinking they're better than Miller Magnum.. It's really playing on my mind.. I don't understand how some think they're able to get the best of me.. Crush, PG-13, Jason Cross .. it's like I've joined a Farm Federation down in Texas and am beating the lowest form of life they have. "

Dr. John Michaels -- " Excuse me? "

Miller Magnum -- " No I won't excuse you.. I'll excuse myself.. thanks for the asprin Doc.. but I know who'll be needing them more come X Rated.. and it isn't Miller Magnum. "

Miller Magnum stands up, leaving the consultancy room and heading into the street.. he steps into his waiting limo, pulling the asprin from his pocket and staring at them.

Miller Magnum -- " Asprin.. the cure for headaches.. well, the painkiller used to cure Headaches. You see Jason.. this little container, it's filled to the brim of tablets.. and I'm giving them to you. It's going to be painfull Jason.. I hope you have a high pain threshold because you're gonna need it. I'm not a guy who likes to make threats.. it's not really my style, infact, I'm the type of guy who promises.. I promise and guarantee victory.. I promise that you'll be feeling pain like you've never felt before.. actually, I guarantee that to. I've only two goals Jake, walking into this match.. you know em both.. one is to make you lose.. is to make you feel pain like you've never felt before and the other is to get my revenge on my brother.. both those goals are more than accomplishable.. but you.. you're different.. I will give you that. but never have I wanted to inflict pain on anyone to an extent in which I do now.. hell Cross, I'm not even angry at you.. I'm not mad.. I'm calm, cool, collected.. it makes me so much dangerous once inside that ring. Let me ask you a question Jake.. are you afraid of the big bad Miller Magnum? Are you even slightly curious as to if what I speak.. is truth? Do you sit awake at night, pondering your fate come X Rated? Yes? No? Well I hope you do.. cause damnit you should be.. afterall, I'm not normal opponent.. I'm what you should call.. your last match before serious career injury.. "

Miller Magnum throws the tablets down..

Miller Magnum -- " These will save you a small medical bill.. if I were you, I'd stock up on these little miracles, cause trust me Jake.. your gonna need them alot more than you probably think you do. Asprin for Maniac? Here you go pal.. you're gonna need em. "

The Scene fades out..

[[ End Transmission ]]