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Justin Deck "Get off my tracks... cause once the train comes... its gonna hit ya ...Grrr"
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The man himself...

Hey people, what's going on? I'm here at Toccoa Falls college chillin like a villian. Everything seems to be going good. I am now preparing to come back home for summer and chill with boyz. It has been quite a time down here, I'm not sure how to describe it... I know ya'll like my beard, It's pretty dead sexy if you ask me... It seems as though things are going pretty good. I've had four final exams all on the same day, so that kinda sucked... Anyways, I'm chillin now...

What I've done this year...

Life, such a funny thing... I usually try to make the most fun out of every situation, but some are easier then others. Life isn't all that bad here in college, God has been real good. I'm working with my 3.4 average which is a little bit of an improvement from last semester. I also ran for President of my freshman class; I had fun, but I didn't know any body and I found it was hard to gain votes. Even though I lost, however, it was only by a small margin of around six votes. Nothing too major has happened as the year progessed. I came back home for christmas break, that was some pretty good fun. I hung out a lot with dan and chad... we played football with a lot of the guys we graduated with... It was fun to go back home and check out how everything had changed. Mr. Bess seemed to be more calm (I guess he was glad that I had left), but things at ole' HG seemed to be getting worse and worse. It seems as though now I am at Toccoa, I have a lot more freedom. I feel like I went from being treated like I was 5 years old to being treated like I was 20. Yeah sure, sometimes I tend to complain about some of the rules here, but once I look back and remember HG, I realize how lucky I am... A couple months ago I was accepted to be an R.A. I was given a alternative position (meaning I would be an R.A. provided there would be enough freshman around)and quickly began to fill myself with wonder and speculation. Having went back to HG, I now began to ask myself a key question... "What kind of role model would I be for a freshman or transfer student coming into Toccoa?" It was a hard to ask myself as I walked down the halls of HG being greeted by every elementary and junior high student. Strange enough, however, was the fact that every one of those students new my name. They new what kind of highschool senior I was, they knew about my notorious Christmas play... I don't necesarily think I had left a bad influence on these kids, but I still think of it in a manor of remorse...

My youthfull years...

...Nobody ever seems to remember the way things were back in the day... I had moved from St. Paul Luthern School located in Glen Burnie, Maryland (outskits of Balitimore) to Holly Grove Christian School in Westover, Maryland (middle of nowhere)... I was there into my 5th and part of 6th year , until my parents pulled me out and homeschooled me. Homeschool sucked, talk about one of the most boring, socially declining types of schooling to be in... Even though, I must say that I learned a great deal those years, I still had a great lack of friends and many other things that I was unaware of... Once I hit the 9th grade, my parents put me back in HG... That entire year I was the outcast... My best friends now, spent that whole year figuring out ways to make fun of me or tease me back then... It was such a terrible transition in my life, I wasn't even sure if I'd ever make it my senior year... to ever see myself graduate and be proud of who I was... Though that year was tough, but things got better as I progessed in life. I was on the soccer team my sophmore year, and that helped me to reach out a little more... It wasn't until my Junior/Senior Years, however, that my popularity soared... If you had told me five years ago that I would be the prom king of my senior class, nearly liberate the entire class and most of the highschool under a particular tyranny, I would have probably laughed at you... I never expected to become what I became... It almost seemed impossible to me... It is important not to forget, however, there were many things that I regret doing, but in the whole scheme of things, I was just tasting something I never tasted before.... the attention of my peers....

Plans for the summer...

I have a lot of stuff to plan for... I'm coming home to give away my crown:( I think I'm gonna chill for a few days though and hang with some of my boys... It's gonna be kinda hard though, I think in a sense I will miss my college... and my girl... It will definatly be tough, but I think i'm about ready for it... I plan to work at the Texas Road House in Fruitland, MD while at the same time take up a few hours at the Bike Shop with "Big sexy Larry." That is, of course, if I can possibly get the hours that I need... but oh well... Those are my plans for the summer.. they are simple, they are short... I just hope that I can work them all out... I do know, however, that God has been watching out for me and I know He will continue to do so this summer...

My Girl...

Finaly, I've got a girl who gets to get mixed up in all this mess... Her name is Shelby Brown; she has been a great aspect of my life here at college and I'm not sure I'd know what to do without her... I would willingly set aside any other relationship I've ever had for this one (not that I've had a whole lot). She means a lot to me and I try to treat her as best as I can... And as I grow and mature spiritualy I also find that our paths may not lead for us to be together... Though it does trouble me to think of such things, I have peace knowning that I feel lucky enough just to be her friend, let alone the position I'm in now... Though we both fall short, I am amazed how strong she can be when I am week and vice versa... She has been such a great part of this second semester and I wouldn't trade it for the world...