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Hey Everybody, This page exists to keep everybody filled in with the lastest news. Since we're not in school everyday anymore, we don't know what's going on with everyone. This gives us the opportunity to let everyone know how everybody is doing. It will also give everyone another way to keep in touch. So I'm going to try to keep this updated every week. E-mail me if you have any recent news about yourself. I'll put it up on here asap. My aim name is Deck1234 and you can reach me through there too.....

Deck (8/30/02)- I have been at Toccoa for 2 weeks now. I am planning on running for president of the freshman class. I have put together a compaign of guys in my hall. The 19 guys in total have committed themselves to getting me into the position. We are starting our campaign next week. I'll be letting you know how everything is turning out.

Ben & Brian (8/30/02)- Ben & Brian have now moved into Messiah. They have been there for a few days and seem to like it.

Josh Deck (8/30/02) The Soccer team played Woster-Prep on Thursday and fought a hard game, but lost 3-0.

Josh Deck (9/12/02)- Soccer team is 4-0 in confernce, they are going up aganist Greenwood next week.

Deck (9/12/02)- My presidential nominations are tommarrow. I've made t-shirt that say "VOTE 4 DECK" and they've got my face on them.

Deck(9/12/02)- Yesterday I was playing football, when some old guy sat on my head. Well I kinda jumped on him, but it's just the way things turned out. So for the past 24 hours i've had temporary memory loss. I completly forgot all the details of my life and could hardly remember my birthday.... This kind of crap only happens to me...

Deck (9/30/02)- Last thursday, I lost the presidency by six votes... I just couldn't believe it, I had everything from Freedeck tshirts, to.... well... more tshirts... So as you can see, I seemed to have the upper hand. The voting was so close, we almost did a revote. Though I was tempted, I didn't fight it. I now know how Gore feels...
I'm am comming back to Maryland on the 18th, and I'll be there till the 21st. I'm looking forward to hanging with ya'll when I get up there. So anyone who's got time to hangout, let me know so I won't get bored.

Jeremy Hughes (9/30/02)- Jeremy is now working to destroy.... or.. um... working at Walmart. I just hope he stays away from BIG GAY.....

Deck (10/5/02) Hey everyone, I'm doing good here in BIGGIE-TOWN GA... Losing the presidency was a downer on my plans to take over the world, but i'll be alright. I just want everybody to keep chillin until I get back up there... I'm work hard right now to bring you the new "skimming pics" page. It'll be up in about a week. That's all for now... Peace out..

Mashall Faulk (10/6/02) Word, I know how my boy Deck likes his Rams.... But we suck this year.... So Deck is going to use his "talented negro abilities" to put up a page about the rams... Don't worry, Deck knows what he's doing... He's better at football then I am. He's even go a jersey that makes him look like me.... so don't worry, the rams are going to win some games and new page will be going up.... peace M.F.

Deck (11/9/02) Yo Yo Yo, I know it's been a while since i've worked on this site, but wait no more.... Updates are coming soon, and they'll be here in a few days. I've got a brand new download page, plus some more crap. So stay tuned and make sure you check it out.... peace...

Deck (1/3/02) It's been a while, but Epic Tale is just about up. Look for it soon...

Deck (1/7/02) Ok, Epic Tale is up, and there is more to come... It's going to be pretty funny... I'm planning on getting around back and finishing the Trivits Page, which may be completely redone into a page entitled: "Planet Trivits" which will include a Trivits Trivia, funny comments, and plenty of surveys... I will also perfect the download page and put some more on there... I also plan to have some really funny pics... It's looking good for website right now, just keep in touch and checkin it out...

Deck (2/21/02) I've been undergoing a lot of stress here at Toccoa, but don't worry... Updates are just around the corner! Com'n in March I'll have a bunch of new crap for everyone to enjoy, and I know how much everyone loves crap..... So just sit back for a couple more weeks and prepare for the best darn update yet....