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The Best Darn Interview Artical in the World!

Contrary to popular belief, there is an Easter Bunny. Justin Deck and Vince Maleny interviewed him at a nearby Kentucky Blue Grass concert. Some of the opinions and ideas expressed in this artical are not entirely true. In fact, we didn't find him in a blue grass concert in Kentucky, it was a riverdancing party in a foul-smelling barn located in lower Westover, Maryland. Etherway, Vince and Deck found the bunny and asked him a few questions:
Vince- How are you doing Mr. Bunny?
Bunny- Just fine, despite having been recently probed be candy-eating aliens from outer space.
Vince-Probed! Oh My!
Deck- Why?
Bunny- I think they were looking for my easter candy which is in a secured location, but it's not secure anymore...
Vince- That's disgusting....
Bunny- Well, I thought so at first, but now i'm kinda used to it
Deck- You're a sick little bunny..
-------As time went on, we found that the Easter Bunny was really little Jeremy Hughes dress-up in a Winnie the Pooh costume, hopping around in a corn field. A pastime he enjoys doing on weekends. The evil candy eating aliens still remains a mistery, but most suspect it to be Trivits with a flashlight. So with no thanks to Jeremy Hughes this story is entirely untrue and pointless. We just write this stuff to take up space in the Grover, So sappy love poems written by Jamie Grangier and featuring Dustin can be bumped off to a later time.
----THE END----


Poem: The Day I My Arm Stuck in A Window

As I was talking to myself and peering out the window
I noticed one hand lay bare on the shelf and the other not visible.
To my awful surprse a great tragedy and problem arised.
For the window had slammed down upon my hand,
"Ouch that hurts," "i cried out in pain!
For my arm was losing oxygen and beginning to die.
I thought to myself "I wish I had some pie"
I looked at the window and gazed.
I watched the birds soar and the animals graze.
So peacefully the world seemed to be...

But ah! oh no! My arm is still stuck,
This situation is bad and starting to suck.
If I only had: a confederate flag, a candle stick,
and a sharp knife, I could solve this problem with little worry or strife.
Oh great, is this what life was destined to be?
I just hope someone will come to rescue me!
As i just stood there, waiting to die,
I saw a flash from the corner of my eye.
It was Marshall Faulk in a modest type fashion,
He was flying in his magical Ford Bronco with passion.
Like a care-bear on crack he cruised through the air.
He was coming right towards me and gave me a scare.
He looked at me happily, his face so full of youth.
Then he said "Heck with the chimney"
and busted through the roof.
He came through the roof with such a happy glee,
But then the Bronco blew up, which was no surprise to me.
I got to get one of those Lumina's he expressed.
My Bronco has left me feeling scorched and slighty depressed.

It was then I began to notice his wild Italian mastic.
He had nice smooth hair and buffalo wing reek.
Could it be the Supranos? No, not quite,
Or perhaps it was the Godfather... but that wasn't right.
It was Vinny Mac Maleny how could I have missed it?
I was so glad I could have kissed it!
And then I found myself, I wasn't really home.
I was in Mr. Martino's class room next to the gymnasium dome.
That bronco was also some sort of mischievous taper.
Cause it was really Trivits, Stuck in the ceiling
With a paint scraper.
And the whole window deal... That was just a piece of paper....

This poem is pointless and stupid you might say,
But there is one moral i must convey.
Read directions carefuly, when taking medicine.
So next time you have a cold you'll know what's up.
You'll find you need to take 2 tablespoons and not a whole cup.
-----THE END-----

Poem: The Field of Green

Upon a field of green we play
game by game, day by day...
Using are heads, thighs and feet,
hoping that Greenwood we can beat. On top the field, among the crowd
Mr. Mason shouts aloud: "You gotta go hard,
You gotta go strong,
Keep you focus all day long.

At the halfline is where we start
Our team plays with all our heart.
A pass to the left, a kick to the right,
Cooge hits it with all his might.

Into the head of Greenwood's star (number 3)
He falls down and hurts his face
Then he gets scuffed and gets replaced
Cooga gets the ball and tires again!

Through the air it starts to sing,
Down on the head of Victor King.
He heads the ball into the net
1-0 and it's not over yet...

Two goals scored - we're up by three,
One by Adam, and the other by me.
0-3, then we go home to rest,
Holly Grove has won by far and now where the best!
-by Josh Deck
(This is the hope and prayer for this years team...)