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A Tribute

This is small tribute to those 5 guys(Including Myself) who helped
start it all... We had some really good times
over the past few years.... If it weren't for
these guys, this website wouldn't be here.

Chad................................................................................................. Eric

Brian.................................................................................. Ben.................................................................................. Justin

Stuff we did back then:

I still remember the time when I was in the 5th grade. Ben, me, and a few other guys were playing soccer. Once we were just about finished playing, Ben approached me. "You think you're the best at soccer Justin, but you're not." Then he ran away at the sound of the whitle. He's lucky he ran too, I was getting ready to.... tell Mrs. Mast. Yeah man, she would have beat his behind too! Ben sometimes still says things like that, but now that we're older it's different. I'd probably tell my mom.

I remember when Eric was a brutaly, savage kid. One night we all spent the night over his house. It happened to be on his brithday and he got a new video game. It was called "Resident Evil 2." Eric was so good he could tell whether it had been dead or not. He'd shot the stupid creatures several times, and then shoot they're dead bodies some more... He called this ritual "Playin Oppossum," but we all know that he's just a brutal killer.

There once was a time when Chad, Eric, and I went to see a Shorebirds game. After the game, well all (including this pot-friend of Chad) jumped back in the car and headed for home. Chad first needed to drop me off at my house. It was about 11 o'clock and there wasn't a lot of traffic out. I asked Chad if he would like to go through the PA Ghetto (which i lived on the edge of). Chad thought it be a great idea. He had just installed new, "bullet proof", windows that this Mexican sold him. As we got into PA, we took the back way to go through the ghetto. As we were looking at all the old houses and run down shops, we noticed a cop was following us. Chad began to get really nervus, we decided to go straight to my house from there. Once Chad had dropped me and he was just pulling out of the drive-way, the cop flicked his sirens on and pulled him over. My dad (Commissioner Deck) had to go out there and talk the cop out of strip searching Chad, Eric, and their fuzzy friend. After the incident, however, Chad's friend said he had a stash in his pocket. If it weren't for my dad, we all would have had criminal records in the State of Maryland. That would have made two states for me. Only 48 more to go...

Once when were in the tenth grade, Eric was a little depressed. It was the last day before Christmas break and we were all chillin and getting ready for the last chapel. We were trying to figure out the best way cheer up Eric. We decided to hit him on the back as hard as we could and sing a song. We sang "Eric is Out Bestest Friend" over and over and over as we beat him mercylessly. I can't really say it cheer Eric up too much, but it did leave a few "happy" red marks on his back...

I recall a basketball game this past year when Chad was trying to play up a storm. I was dressed with blue and white face paint, the Marshall Faulk Jersey, and the big monkey mask. I also had about 6 or 7 seven posters. (Holly Grove might have been happy to see me go, but I was their greatest sports supporter). I plead with the crowd to yell for Vince to come into the game (Vince's leg as injured and he was unable to play, but it made no difference to me. Eitherway, I saw Chad out of the corner of my eye, he was playing a lot of passion and fury. I screamed as loud as I could.... CHAD THE SOUTH LOST, JUST SHOOT THE BALL! Chad listened to my "heart felt words," and when in for the drive. He swung around the bottom and attempted to pull off the "Hellyen," when he was stuffed like a turkey and fell on his behind. Chad must have felt about as big as an ant, but it was still funny as crap... (just for the record: crap is hillarious)

Sports Banquet 2000

Banquet 2000

Senor Banquet 2002

This is what we're looking like now. In time we won't, but for know we do.... So just keep it real boyz.....