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Chapter 5

In order for Middle Earf to survive, the hobbits knew they had to go to the "Pit of Doom." They had know idea why they had to go there, but for the hobbits' little infinite minds, it sounded like a good idea...

As they began their journey, they picked up a new hobbit near Queersville. He was oddly larger then the other hobbits and mysteriously call himself "Dark Lord Baggins" claiming to be a distant relative. After seeing the man's hairy feet, the hobbits agreed that they were all kin...

As the hobbits traveled to the "Pit of Doom," Things started to get a little weird. It wasn’t until they met a lady called “The Informer,” things got even worse… The Informer told them that this Dark Lord Baggins was a fake. She suggested that they run away as fast as they could. Shocked and surprised, the hobbits ran away in the middle of the night, leaving the Dark Lord behind....