Chapter 3 Page10: @ Stonehenge
Chapter 3 Page 10:Thursday, the 21th of June 1995 was the first out of three memorable days.Seeing that they could afford it, the four Glastonbury-leading ones decided it was dumb to bustle about it all in one day, when they could have made a proper excursion to Stonehenge and adding to that a quick stop at sea, resting there before Saturday virulence.On Sunday morning they'll have to lead back in London.
This time Meli wasn't underprepared to the very early rising; she was indeed prompt and on, talkative and intentionfull. All that enthousiasm was useful especially to bury somewhere along Jill's proposal.He had stopped to hinting back at that speech as well from the very moment he firstly prounounced those words, carefully and if they both weren't perfectly assured they had shared it together, one could have said they'd just dreamed the same dream.
The programme provided for arrival at Stonehenge around ten in the morning; after its paleolithic charme sights they'd turning to west, up to Bristol from where they would have finally reached Weston-Super-Mare, a not so fascinating location near to Bridgewater Bay where they could have attempted at a frosty morning bathing the subsequent day, in case weather would have been fair enough. They came in Stonehenge in advance; by climbing up to that hill she had seen so many times as picture Melania was repeating to herself it was evocative...but she had indeed to realize she was expecting it more imposing, and that she hadn't be touched from anything like Stendhal's syndrome by watchin from barriers the big sized stones in circle, no sense of bewilderment coming for her from the mysterious and ancient monument.
However, when Jill asked if she liked it, she said she definitely did, for he was so impressed by what they were seeing she didn't feel like disappointing him. And he began to make them all part of all theories about Stonehenge, from those concerning the possible ways it had been built, till those concerning the rituals that site had been, and was still, gathering into itself.Druids and wizards, old tales and new ages priests, those stones were mirrors to many humans' wills, explained Jill and Christopher.
At the end of the explanations, the two guys started to strumming away onto their guitars, Ilaria stubbornely attempting to teach them songs from Vasco Rossi and Lucio Battisti by singin them personally and so she got back over her steps to take a new look at monoliths hill.Sky was getting cloudy but it wasn't going to rain, and the air was fresh, while London had been lately a sultry place. Perching at the barrier the nearest she could at the stones, for a fraction of seconds her doubts, her questions, her wonders looked like binge of bonnets for breakin her flying wishes.She shaked head. Those were problems indeed...
Nevertheless, listening to those little voices she could have escaped from the metaphisical quest of the right thing to do, which was anguishing her time. She slowly went down from slope, the sound of stones she was shifting by walking being the only one she could neatly distinguish."Wind's arising up" murmured to herself lifting her head at the Sun, which was starting to show itself after the large cloud it had been covered by from a few minutes.
Helios' eye was newly onto the temple which many believe being a gigantic solar calendar/watch. Yeah, that bunch of stoney strangeness got some charme. Back at her people, she found the guys trying to teach Ilaria Elastica, Pulp and Ash's songs (more bands they would have seen at the festival): an hopeless aim.
"If you won't stop this croak it'll be storming in two minutes..." was the good-natured gibe at the beloved friend, deafly and constantly out of tune but with a big ear for good music.
"Then do it yourself, since you can! Camon Meli... do it for me?"
For their explicit contents, images and excerpts of writing might be unsuitable for children alone, due to their references to also loving/sexual life. Parents's presence might be requested to see/read the material, although it isn't nor pornographic nor violent at all.
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