Chapter 3 Page21: Glastonbury Day

Chapter 3 Page 21:They parked it pretty far away from stages, in the furthest area Eavis's organization had applied for the need. The others were filled up already since two days. They arrived at 6 am and they had to walk among colourful, fancifully shaped tents, carefully trying to not step over all the braves who had slept on the ground and in mud from previous day's rain into hundreds sleeping bags. Many people were already up though, or better some of them weren't probably sleeping from around 40 hours, and they were wandering around stands and near to gates, lookin out for spliffs or for something to drink that wasn't likely to be coffee.
"To the Main Stage!!!!!!" Cried out a fully loaded on Jill, passing through a series of human obstacles in horizontal line.
With sun rising higher and higher the temperature was getting warmer, but not enough: a naff wind was swhirling out, causing even a small fire over one of the wood platforms of one of the stages; trees were noisily rustling and the shirts our girls had so devotedly customized for the day, so short that one could see merely the logo Oasis on their chest, weren't really the best way to resist at the insistent gusts. And they had to zip up their adidas jackets.
"How nice pony tail, you little filly!" Chris hinted with allusion at Melania, gaining from Jill a firing sight.
"I made it for feeling freerer, and it has been a top idea, with this wind! I hate it.."
"It's appalling, a pure torment!"underlined Ilaria "and.. ehy Jill, where's the food? I am hungry..."
The sandwiches!!! Damn, he forgot them under car's seat, hundreds and hundreds meters away...How silly man! How would they have dealt without eating for hours?
"You must go back and bring them here, it's so simple. We're keepin your place safe, be sure..."
Ilaria's voice wasn't leaving space for bargaining. If one fails to accomplish something, that same one has to put remedy at his mistake. Logic at its clearest dimension, and Jill couldn't do anything else but turning his back and starting to walk down towards the parkin area, snorting often for being inattentive.Glastonbury: swarms of people all a bit out of their heads, hep cats hoofing all over, on high, happy and lookin out for two main things: music and love. If before the start of the Nineties Glastonbury was generally described like a nostalgic happening for egg heads and oldies, it was a certain number of years that the level of the festival had raised up to the best standard. Especially in 1995, the bands and artists hired for celebrating the 25th edition were of highest range.
Jill was heavily involved in the atmosphere, like something pregnant spoke to his soul through the faces there and the vibes, revealing to him improbable visions, but charming, about how he would have maybe loved to live his life too.All his alter egos were conveying under those stages, like for a magic date, and he was feeling more complete than ever under that cloudy sky. He had always considered music so much more than barely an entertainig hobby, and the way he used to venerate musicians was more indicative of a communance of intimate values than merely a shallow predilection.
Cheering the crew of Channel 4 and a BBC troupe on the way, he crossed as well a guy that lookin at him and smiling, opened his jacket showing a Union Jack twisting down within a toilet: he did the same, showing his as well and they both started to scream like seals, laughing and then goin on in their respective directions.
Glastonbury: the place where music offers its direct and hot-tempered face, the place where passion, effort, determination, and fun converge. And what was requested to be part of it?
One band.
Or a ticket.
For their explicit contents, images and excerpts of writing might be unsuitable for children alone, due to their references to also loving/sexual life. Parents's presence might be requested to see/read the material, although it isn't nor pornographic nor violent at all.
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