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Chapter 5 Page 6: Meeting Steve On The Way Home

Chapter 5 Page 6: There she was.
Flamboyant even when talkin about her pain. Not even badness could erase the light from her shining soul.
"Isn't she adorable?" Was Jill's thought.
And in fact Jill adored her just like she were a superior kind of human being.
How adorable she was.
Wasn't her shadowed as well by some defects? Sure she had a few,he could reckon natural failibility in her too,but he was prone to think even the slight minor points were cute on her: they contributed to make her glitter around that way he couldn't stop to wring his own heart about.
How adorable.
"So, tell me how come that everyone gets happily engaged up there... Explain now how could I get myself some love as well..."
He wouldn't have been that good teacher on that...
And how could she ask him about how to find out "that" one, the special one there for ever and ever, with no second guesses he could have been affected by that?
He could have found merely one type of solution, answering her just :"Come back to me"... The only way to newly satisfy both. Fuck Liam!
He wandered his hand inside then envelope and retracted it with well folded drawings: in one of them an unicorn sipped water framed into a talish ravine, while sketched on the other sheet two lovers were embracing tenderly.
She could pencil skillfully. And after all such an adorable creature must be capable of painting and singing like birds can.
Jill could teach Dante and Petrarca about how to describe women as angels.
He folded carefully the drawings and went searching for the negatives, protected by transparent dark film. Although black and small, he kept admiring those for long, unable to distract from them.
They were impressed with her figure... he was loving pictures like never before.
"Gimme them for my collegues at Uni... she shall understand that was a lie..."
He decided to go out looking for an optical shop, to have her pictures developed as quickly as possible: as he found it, after one hour and more of quest, he waited impatiently another hour measuring by feet the corridor in front of suspicious clients.
On the way back home, keeping like preciousness boxed the yellow envelope containing the pics,that he wanted to open only in his room, to taste like epiphany her coloured images appearing under his greedy eyes,Jill smiled open mouth, so vivdly, so unconsciously.
Stepping down at Tube stairs, raptured in a swhirling dance of positive vibes, he couldn't see anything but his treasure onto his chest.
"Hang on mate...ehi! I'm talkin with you... man?!"
Jill felt a pulling on his arm and he faced back.
"Man! You really are a strange kind of walker!How are you doing? Go figure... we met again! This is incredible indeed..."
Jill's eyes finally saw whom they were watchin and he realized in front of him the madhead Italian was standing.
That Italian he found on the way to reagent's Park that past day was now in his same metro wagon, getting back home like all English men do at that hour.
"What a surprise... oh well... How are you mate? You did move in here in the end? Cool stuff...Strange, but cool! Is everything Okay?"
"Beside the poor figure we matched to make with Germans last month.. yeah, I can say everything's fine.What about you?"
He remembered everything of their conversation back in the cafeteria as well so he replied straight:
"Not that we did any better considering we were organizing Country did we? But you gotta admit Gazza played marvellously!"
"Maybe he did, but that was unmattering in the end.You didn't win, and in two years'time no one's gonna remember his beautiful moves this summer.Too bad, ahahah!"

: For their explicit contents, images and excerpts of writing might be unsuitable for children alone, due to their references to also loving/sexual life. Parents's presence might be requested to see/read the material, although it isn't nor pornographic nor violent at all.

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