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Gilligan's Id
The Skipper
(Jonas Grumby)

Contrary to Gilligan's many Ed Norton-like "fat" jokes, the Skipper seems to be merely a macho body-builder gone only slightly to seed. Yet like so many men who are guided solely by machismo, he is absolutely lost when a woman expresses genuine attraction to him or when he is truly thunderstruck by a female. Little wonder, then, that his most active interactions occur with his prominent, submissive sidekick Gilligan.

* The Skipper's few attempts at impressing Ginger with his manliness come off terribly. In Episode 30, when a blow on the head causes the Skipper to lose his memory, he makes advances toward Ginger, to her repulsion. (Conversely, Ginger seems willing to accept the Skipper at a platonic-romance level. When an island beauty pageant is proposed in Episode 38, Ginger is more than happy to accept the Skipper's coaching; the Skipper gets a quick kiss on the cheek from her in Episode 42; and Ginger dances with him at a costume ball in Episode 56. Just don't let him get physical.)

* The Skipper's only interest in Mary Ann comes in Episode 54, where he acts like a western sheriff for the sole purpose of helping Mary Ann forget that she was jilted by her boyfriend.

* The Skipper seems to have a convoluted view of romance. In Episode 67, he recounts to Gilligan how he once went up to a woman at a dance and proposed to her on first sight.

* The Skipper's most pronounced bout of romance occurs in Episode 51, when he briefly falls for visiting socialite Erica Tiffany Smith. Unfortunately, the Skipper's love for her inspires him to recite only "The boy stood on the burning deck," so the romance is happily unconsummated.

* The Skipper and Gilligan seem to exemplify latent homosexuality. Besides the more explicit examples listed on the "Gilligan" page, in Episode 14, the Skipper hands a corsage to Gilligan while he's in the shower. (Granted, the Skipper thought it was Ginger who was in the shower, but Gilligan seems more than willing to accept the corsage on its own terms!)

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