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Hope you brought your Cheque Book  - You'll NEED it - For the FINES

Maroochy Shire Council's Dog Gestapo

So NOW the Maroochy Shire Council wants to be known as The PET FRIENDLY SHIRE?
They have even gone to the expense of providing a Dedicated Dog Park at Buderim, where Owners can let their dogs run free without the Threat of a $150 Fine.
Which is GREAT - For the people who live at Buderim.
But for the rest of us Normal Folk it means a half hour drive and a 20km to 30km Trip.
The most sensible solution would be to allow us to use the readily accessible miles of deserted beaches in the area for this purpose - even if there had to be some restrictions placed upon the TIME (e.g., 5-00PM to 8-00AM) and SPECIFIC NO DOG Zones  (e.g.. Bathing Reserves).
This was the unofficial state of affairs prior to midway through 2002, when the new Dog Catcher  (sorry - Local Laws Officer) came on the scene.

What a pity they didn't think of that BEFORE they turned this joker loose.
Instead of trying to cooperate and help the local Dog Owner Population like any reasonable public servant should, he saw himself as a Police-man sent to catch and punish us Law-breakers.
And his roll was to intimidate us into complying with the Letter of the Law irrespective of the circumstances.

Below are a few actual Examples showing the type of  unfair treatment which has alienated many of us normally law-abiding citizens from the Council since they decided to get tough on Dog Laws at the beginning of 2002.

Only the Names have been changed to protect the Victims Identity

Winter 2002, Sunrise, South Marcoola Beach, Beach deserted except for professional fishermen.

John jogs with his dog before breakfast. It's still DARK. A car approaches with it's headlights on. 
He thinks it's a professional fisherman until it stops and the Dog Catcher gets out in his blue uniform.
The dog was actually wearing his lead but he had dropped it to give him a better run.
John was amazed to hear that he is to receive a citation for not having the dog's lead in his hand and he told the officious little prick so, but to no avail.
He feels humiliated at being virtually ARRESTED on the beach by this guy but takes his Ticket home.
It was too dark to read on the beach but he was expecting a fine of about $30. 
Imagine his anger when he finds it's actually for $150. 
Real Criminals don't receive a fine of that much for Speeding or Running a Red Light.

THE OUTCOME: Council has lost the support of yet another law abiding citizen and his story has now spread far and wide throughout the Community.

Autumn 02, Marcoola Beach, Mid morning, Rainy day, High tide, Deserted beach

Reg takes his dog for a quick walk between showers (100m max.). 
Dog is on a leash, but as there's nobody about he drops it to allow dog to chase a seagull into surf.
When about to leave beach he stops to talk to neighbour who's wife commences to pet the dog. 
They don't notice the white Council Suzuki drive up behind them until it's too late. 
The Dog Catcher gets out proceeds to give them a lecture about holding onto the lead at all times then announced his intention to issue a citation because he had observed the dog running into the water upon his approach. The fact that the beach is deserted does not change the Letter of the Law.
Reg walks away, but gets a fine for $150 in the mail next day.
The little crud had already read the Tag Number whilst engaging them in conversation and nobody but NOBODY walks away from this important little twerp and gets away with it.

THE OUTCOME:  Council has lost an Ally and gained an Enemy.
Reg once had good relations with Council having served as an Honorary Ranger and Lifeguard but now feels so insulted by this incident he has severed all links with Council and Community Projects such as; Volunteer Fire Brigade, Dune Weedbusters, Meals on Wheels, Life Saving, S.E.S. etc. 
   All because of this officious little mans need to assert his authority. 

Summer 2002, Mid week 10-30AM, Location: Marcoola south of Surf Club, Hot Sunny day.

Lynne takes her two little girls and the family poodle down the path to the beach for a swim. 
The dog is on it's lead. The sand is hot and the kids run ahead to cool their feet in the water.
Lynne is laden down with towels and gear and the dog pulls free and runs after the kids.
Lynne makes it onto the beach only to find our Hero waiting next to his white Suziki.
Again it's a humiliating lecture about keeping your dog under control at all times followed by the inevitable $150 Fine. 

THE OUTCOME: Council has lost the respect of another family together with all their friends.

UPDATE - January 2004
So what have they accomplished over the past 2 years?
Besides raising revenue by punishing Pensioners for letting their Dogs go for a run on the Beach.
Well they've conducted a Mock-Public-Consultation Survey to try to justify their hard-line Dog Laws.
Good in THEORY but not so hot in Practice.
The so-called Survey has NOT been widely publicised and the Questionnaire itself was written by the same one eyed Bureaucrat who wrote the Local Law and set the Penalties in the first place, so the Questions are all Biased and designed to appeal to Dog Haters in an attempt to encourage the answers they WANT to hear;
e.g..BAN All Dogs from Beaches and Walkways.
And if this Survey returns an Answer that doesn't satisfy their Pre-Conceived Result you can bet your bottom dollar it will be quietly shelved and forgotten.
However - So far it has generated lots of ANGER among any Dog Owners who've found out about it.  They have been busily taking up Petitions AGAINST the Survey.

One of the questions they DIDN'T ask was - Do you think the Fines are Fair and Justified?

My personal protest was to resign from the local Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade.
Why should I risk my life fighting fires in this shire when I'm treated as a Criminal by these petty bureaucrats.
Let's see them get off their fat arses and out of their air-conditioned offices and do something useful for a change. Perhaps our Dog Catcher Hero could swap his natty Policeman Suit for my Hot Yellow One and put HIS life on the line, instead of big noting himself by persecuting old age pensioners for such peccadilloes.

Clean Beach Challenge
S.C.D. November 4 2004
Click Pic to READ Story
Clean Beach Challenge S.C.D. November 5 2004
Click Pic to Read Story

S.C.D. December 4th. 2004
Currimundi Beach in Caloundra is declared the CLEANEST BEACH in Queensland -
Not bad for a Dog OFF-LEASH Beach eh?
Just shows what can happen when people are treated with respect instead of suspicion.  Unlike in Maroochy Shire with their Police State By-Laws and Enforcement Officers where we wouldn't dream of keeping our beach clean.

Click Pic to Read Story

It could only happen in MAROOCHY!
The Dog Catcher now has a NEW JOB.
Now he's also the PEE POLICE as well as
And he just LOVES his New Powers.

Click Pic to Read Story

Somebody should tell this Officious Little Prick that
THIS is supposed to be a TOURIST AREA   (Not a TERRORIST Area)
Because he sure does make Visitors feel UN-WELCOME