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Interesting to compare the philosophies of the different Sunshine Coast Councils regarding Dog Control Local Law.

Caloundra C.C. - Treats Dog Owners with respect and designates Currimundi Beach as an Off-Leash Area with the result that the Volunteers kept the Beach in such a Pristine State that it Won this year's Clean Beach Challenge
Maroochy S.C. - Treats Owners as potential Criminals to be Policed and Fined $150min. for any breach of their Dog Local Laws.
Result - Nobody volunteers for anything and beaches are a MESS.
(Oh - We'd ALL like to volunteer to Punch the Dog Catcher's lights out!)
Clean Beach Challenge
S.C.D. November 4th. 2004
Currimundi Beach WINS Clean Beach Challenge
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Local Law Mann S.C.D. November 5th 2004
Distraught Dog Owner Jailed for punching Maroochy Dog Catcher in the eye
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S.C.D. December 4th. 2004
Currimundi Beach in Caloundra is declared the CLEANEST BEACH in Queensland -
Not bad for a Dog OFF-LEASH Beach eh?
Just shows what can happen when people are treated with respect instead of suspicion.  Unlike in Maroochy Shire with their Police State By-Laws and Enforcement Officers where we wouldn't dream of keeping our beach clean.

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