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Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 220 pounds
From: Pittsburgh, PA
Favorite Quote: "It's true. It's true." Finishing move: Angle Slam
Career Highlights: WWE Champion (2); WCW Champion; Intercontinental Champion; European Champion; WCW U.S. Champion; King of the Ring 2000; Hardcore Champion


Kurt Angle captured national attention in 1996 when he won the 220-pound freestyle wrestling competition at the Olympic Games in Atlanta. And the extraordinarily proud Angle -- some would say conceited -- surely won't let anyone forget about it!
When the crowd has the audacity not to cheer for him, Kurt wonders aloud how anyone can boo an Olympic gold medalist.

In 2000 -- Angle's first full year in World Wrestling -- the Pittsburgh native had probably the best rookie campaign in history. After winning the European and Intercontinental titles, Kurt took 2000 King of the Ring crown. Then, in October, he won the WWE Championship, defeating The Rock at No Mercy.

The momentum did not stop in 2001. Angle won the WWE Championship for a second time -- beating Stone Cold Steve Austin in Angle's hometown -- as well as the WCW Title.

Whether the crowd is chanting "Angle! Angle!" as they did that night in Pittsburgh, or, more likely, "You suck! You suck!" there's no denying Kurt Angle's accomplishments. When it's all said and done, Angle could go down in history as the greatest of all time. Oh, it's damn true!
(credited to