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Name: Hellmaster Phibrizo
Spelling in the US release: Phibrizzo
Alternate Spellings: Phibrizio, Fibrizo, Philrezo, Fiblizo, Phibrezo
Title: Hellmaster/Mei-ou
Voice Actors: Kazu Ikura (Japan), Vinnie Penna (US)
Appearing in: Slayers Next, episodes 20-26 (46-52 of Slayers)
General of Ruby-Eye Shabranigdo, Eldest and most powerful of the five Mazoku Lords, ruler of Hell

Phibrizo is a Mazoku, Shabranigdo's oldest subordinate and the Mazoku Lord of Hell. He has power over death and the spirits of the dead.

Phibrizo is incredibly intellegent, more so than other Mazoku, who are far from a stupid race. Most of the events in Slayers Next was engineered by him towards his goal. His is the power over life and death- proven by the ease with which he can kill with his little golden balls, called somewhere or another his "soul orbs". He is very strong in the Astral realm, and he can phase between it and the material plane very easily.

The spells that call on Hellmaster are the Hell Blast and the Laguna Blast (name disputable; I've seen it called completely different things), both of which are useful against living creatures only (hey, you try killing inanimate objects! It's not the same!).

Phibrizo, like the other Lords, once had a Priest and a General. I read once that they were both female in form. They were destroyed in the Kouma Sensou/ War of the Monsters Fall. So he borrowed Xelloss, the Greater Beast's Priest/General, in Slayers Next to help him.

*Mad Spoilers for Slayers Next*

Through the series, the Hellmaster is mentioned many times as the plots of the Mazoku unfold. But he himself does not appear until the episode Set Course! For Dragon Valley, posing as a young pickpocket who tries to grab Lina's purse. Oops. The boy is very fortunate that she didn't blast him, as her friends point out. He tells them where to find the Clair Bible, being kept by the Dragons not far from where they met.

Martina runs into the boy, and he leads her to the group. When they are attacked by Garv's minions, he hides with Martina, looking to Gourry for protection. He disappears during the battle. But after Lina's Ragna Blade fails to destroy Garv, the boy reappears- revealing himself to be the one who destroys Garv, the Hellmaster himself.

He then kidnaps Gourry as insurance that Lina will come to Sairaag and cast the Giga Slave, returning the world to chaos, which is the goal of the Mazoku as Phibrizo sees it. She does so. But it is not Lina who finishes the spell.

The Giga Slave is an incredibly powerful Black magic spell that calls upon the Source of Chaos, the Lord of Nightmares. It does not merely call upon her power. So it is that Lina summons the Lord of Nightmares herself, and it is she who appears, giving Phibrizo his wish- Destruction.

The world is saved by the sacrifice of the Hellmaster- not his personal sacrifice, but him quot;offered" (kicking and screaming) to the Source of Chaos and destroyed INSTEAD of the world. Of all the things he planned throughout the series, this is the only one that went awry. Which proves that you should never mess with your mother.