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Crazy Like a Phibby: Cosplay

Ah, cosplay... The sacred art of dressing up like an anime character and going out in public. Most often done for anime conventions, cosplay can also occur at anime clubs and Halloween. But no matter where you do it, we only care if you're dressed as Phibrizo (this being a Phibrizo shrine and all...).

So if you or someone you know has cosplayed as Phibrizo, let us know! Hit that Contact button!

Until I get some actual cosplayers up here, here are some tips to make cosplaying Phibrizo simpler.

1: Spandex isn't necessary. There are tons of other materials out there that will work just as well. Unfortunately, I know nothing about them ^^;;;

2: The sash kind of a sky blue and ties on his left hip.

3: The left-hand bracelets are actually bangles. There's three, and one of them has three red beads on it.

4: Nobody notices real people's eyes unless they're close to you. You don't need yellow-green contacts unless you're a perfectionist. Most of the time you'll get red-eye-ed in the pictures anyways.

5: Don't be scared of the Linas. They can't really cast the Giga Slave, even if they know the incantation. And don't pick on Gourrys. They're not toys. Be afraid of the Xellosses, though, 'cause there's an odd chance they'll be rabid yaoi fangirls who'll want to glomp you.
5a: Being glomped is fun. It's a good way to meet other fangirls. And other people in general.

and lastly #6: Remember to eat! Breakfast is essential if you want to stay conscious in line for the dealer's room! (Okay, so that wasn't a Phibrizo tip. It's still important.)