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Slayers Retry

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The Characters of Slayers Retry

a * denotes a canon character- ones that are actually from the series. There are some updates on them, because this is a continuation series, but they will be as close to the characters we know and love as I can possibly manage.

Lina Inverse*
The sorceress extraordinaire and main character of the Slayers series. She's a short and short-tempered lady with an appetite for gold and dinner.

Valteira Ul Copt
Filia's adopted son. He's a friendly young dragon, the last of his particular species. The circumstances of his birth are a mystery to all but a few…

A 1/3 golem, 1/3 Mazoku and 1/3 human man who only searches for a cure to his chimeric condition.

Xelloss Metallium*
A Mazoku, the Priest-General of the Greater Beast. His smile hides whatever his motives may be at the moment.

Filia Ul Copt*
A Gold Dragon. Filia was once a priestess, but is now only a shopkeeper and mother to Valteira. She hates Xelloss, and only tolerates him (if you can call it that) because Val likes him. Her human form has elfish ears, and sometimes a tail- especially when she loses her temper.

A monstrous man with a soft spot for Valteira. He always calls him "Boss."

A one-eyed fox with a fondness for explosives. He's Grabos and Valteira's devoted flunkie.

Amelia Wil Tesla Saillune*
The Princess of Saillune. She's a champion of Justice and a White mage, and one of Lina's embarrassed former traveling companions. She had a crush on Zelgadis a while back.

Daril Benn Daril Korith
Just called "Daril". A young lord whose love of Justice pales in his love for Amelia. His only interests are those, and his study of Law. He is currently attending law school in Saillune, and is writing his thesis on the nature of Good. At least he's house-broken...

Daril Benn Leri Korith
Normally called "Leri". Daril's older brother. He's the black sheep of their Justice-loving family. His disdain for Justice causes many problems at family gatherings. He is a mage-in-training who absolutely idolizes Lina Inverse.

The Crown-Prince of Saillune. Amelia's father, and a champion Justice fighter himself, he's a pacifist who's not afraid to fight for his beliefs.

Gourry Gabriev*
Lina's erstwhile guardian. He's an excellent swordsman who settled down a few years ago to raise a family. He has the IQ of old cheese and is known as "Jellyfish Brain" to his friends.

Sylphiel Nels Rada-Gabriev*
Gourry's wife. How she suckered Jellyfish-brain Gabriev into marrying her is a mystery- and so is the reason, to most. She's an excellent cook, but her specialty is the Dragon Slave, even though she can't cast ANY other Black magic.

Gourry Gabriev Junior
Called "Junior." The eldest child of Gourry and Sylphiel, he seems to be taking after his beloved father- golden-haired and dumb as a board.

Nierry Fae Gabriev
Gourry and Sylphiel's elder daughter. She is the spitting image of Sylphiel, and seems to be picking up her sweet disposition and skill at cooking.

Delfi Mira Gabriev
Gourry and Sylphiel's second daughter and youngest child. She's a bit too young to be showing any talents yet.

Xelas Metallium*
The Greater Beast, and one of Shabranigdo's three surviving generals. She's Xelloss's boss, and has a fondness for wolves.

Daril's warhorse. He's vain, violent, ferocious, and probably smarter than his master.

A servant of Chaos Dragon Garv. He was absorbed by Dark Star.
