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Slayers Retry Part 5- Sigh. The Crown-Princess Bride-to-be


"What does it say?" Val asked, now fully-dressed in dark blue pajamas (with a white 'V' embroidered on the breast pocket; a gift from Filia).

"It's from Amelia," Lina told him, letter in hand. "She says I should go to Saillune as soon as I get this and it's dreadfully important." Lina shook her head. "But that's it. No 'why' or 'what'. I'm just supposed to come" She sighed. "It's probably a demon or something, knowing Saillune."

"I thought Saillune was protected by White Magic."

"It is. So lesser demons and Mazoku are naturally attracted to the place, like a kid who's been told NOT to go somewhere, just because they're not allowed in." She smiled. "Really, Mazoku are the naughty children of the spiritual world."

"I'm sure they'd just LOVE to hear themselves described like that."

"Xelloss would get a kick out of it. He thinks EVERYTHING is funny. Why?"

Val closed one eye and waggled a finger at her.

"Don't you dare say it!" He didn't. . . .


The pair was met at the gates of Saillune by Prince Philionel himself.

"LINA!" the huge man exclaimed.

"Phil," Lina tried to exclaim, but couldn't muster up the enthusiasm. He bear-hugged her. She desperately tried to breathe.

"Lina, you made it!"

"Yes, I did. What's so important?"

"Oh, I'll let Amelia tell you herself." He laughed ridiculously, and nudged Lina. "So who's your new beau?"

"'Beau'? Doesn't that mean…boyfriend?" She mulled it over for a second. Val squirmed. "It does! It's nothing like that, Phil! Valteira here is just traveling with me." She curled her hand into a fist. "And if you suggest something like that again-"

"Lina-san!" Amelia came barreling into her. "Oh, I'm so glad you made it!" She smiled wider than Val thought humanly possible. The two women gushed and complimented each other. Phil gazed at Amelia with a father's pride etched plainly on his face (actually, it was floating around him in one of those bubbly screens…). Val clasped his hands behind his back and rocked on his feet, waiting for them to get over it. He hated greetings almost as much as he hated good-byes. Lina and Amelia were being so…feminine. It was making Val nauseous.

Amelia finally turned to him. "Valteira-san! You've gotten so big!" Val sweatdropped. He was getting really sick of hearing that. "I remember when you were just a little egg! Oh, Lina, remember-" Lina elbowed her to shut her up.

Val wondered about this. What did they know that Lina didn't want him to find out about?

"Well, I'm glad you came Lina-san," Amelia said, rubbing her side where Lina's pointy elbow had hit her. "I have big news!"

"Ame-chan, is that your sweet voice I hear?" A (rather feminine) man dressed in very rich clothes appeared. His hair was sandy-blonde, with bangs swept over one eye and sticking out to the side. He looked like a prince.

"'Ame-chan'?" Lina asked. "Amelia, what is going?"

Amelia grinned. "Lina-san, I'm getting married!"
