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Slayers Retry Part 6-Why? The Groom Isn't Zel?!


"Lina-san, I'm getting married!" Amelia took the hand of the man with the funny bangs. "This is my fiancé, Daril Benn Daril Korith."

"Greetings," he said, his voice honey-smooth. "Are you friends of Amelia's?"

"Daril-san, this is Lina-san and Valteira-san."

"Oh, I finally get to meet Amelia's Lina-san!" He grabbed her hand and shook it vigorously. "I'm so honored to meet the world-famous Lina Inverse!"

"'Amelia's…Lina-san'?" Lina just stared blankly. "'Fiancé'?"

"Congratulations, Amelia, Daril," Val said. Amelia hugged him. She was very giddy.

"You mean, that note you sent, which led me to believe there were Mazoku running amok again, was really so you could get me here so you could tell me in person that you're getting married?" Lina's voice had risen several octaves. She sounded like she was about to fireball someone. Val took a few steps away from Amelia.

"Ame-chan," Daril spoke up. "That wasn't very just."

"But you don't know how hard it is to get Lina-san to visit!" Amelia whined, her eyes getting very large and shiny, ready to start crying.

"All I know is I'd better get a good meal out of this," Lina announced.


Later, Amelia sat talking with Lina. Lina was snacking on some cookies from dessert after the huge dinner the castle staff had prepared.

"So," she said to the princess, who fiddled with her skirts. "Have you heard from Zel lately?"

"Zelgadis-san? No. Not…not for a very long time." She shook her head. "He left on another quest to find a cure a few years ago. I received a letter about a year after, but nothing since." She looked like she was about to cry.

"Amelia, I'm sure Zel's fine!" Lina said quickly. She had no desire to see Amelia bawling. "Until he does find a cure, nothing can hurt him."

"But…but, after!"

"He's old enough and experienced enough to take care of himself. He's fine. He's…probably…just… somewhere where there aren't pens, and paper…or took a vow of silence until he's finished his spiritual training or something." She'd thought about him, but never got too worried.

Amelia twiddled her thumbs. "I know. I just can't help it… I miss all of you when you're gone. Remember how close we were back then?" Lina nodded. They'd been some group…What was she thinking? She sounded like an old lady!

"So…what's up with Mr. Daril there?" she said to change the subject.

"Daril-san?" Amelia brightened. "I met him two years ago. I was out riding and was attacked by a troll. He saved me."

"Amelia, you can handle a troll."

"I know, Lina-san." She grinned and giggled. "But it's the thought that counts. Daril-san is a Champion of Justice, just like Daddy always hoped I'd meet." Lina sighed at the unwelcome image of the trio of Justice. "He's very sweet, and obviously cares about Justice and Peace."

"And you too. I mean, c'mon. 'Ame-chan'? What are you, his 'little rain-drop'?" Amelia blushed. 'I guess so,' thought Lina.

Note-"Ame" is "rain" in Japanese. Therefore, "Ame-chan" amounts to "little rain" or, more poetically, "little rain-drop"
