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Slayers Retry 7- Confessions! And TWO Darils?!

Amelia's eyes brightened. "Anyways," she started. "We're getting married next June. Please say you'll make it, Lina-san!"

Lina sniffed at the thought. "I made it to Gourry's wedding, didn't I?" she said to assure her.

"Uh, Lina-san… you were almost late because you couldn't tie your corset."

"Well, I never wear the thing. How should I know how it works?!"

"You punched Gourry for saying you looked nice."

"NOOOO! He said I looked like I almost had breasts!"

"You fireballed the priest."

"That was an accident. I was aiming for Xelloss."

"You throttled him!"

"He deserved it!"

"I could go on…"

"No need." Lina sat back. "That was some time, ne? I-" A flicker of movement in the courtyard below caught her eye. She prepped a fireball.

Amelia squealed when she looked out the window. "Zelgadis-san!" She leaped up and ran down the stairs. She tripped on the last step, but recovered before she fell on her face. Lina was amazed. It seemed like she and Zel were the only ones who hadn't changed…

In the courtyard, a chimera stood watching them.

"Lina. Amelia. It's been a while," was all he said.

"'A while'? Zelgadis-san, it's been AGES! We've been so worried." Amelia suppressed the urge to hug him.

"Another dud, huh?" Lina asked, referring to his latest quest. He seemed surprised that she knew, but smiled at her.

"Yeah." He shrugged, trying to hide the pain that both women saw in his eyes.

"Well," Amelia said. "Don't just stand out here! Come in, come in!" The princess took his arm and led him into the castle. Lina grinned as he rolled his eyes.

"I came because I got your letter, Amelia," he said. Amelia blushed. "I just wanted to say… Congratulations."

"Th-thank you." Her hands twitched at her skirts as she looked at her feet.

Lina felt very out of place. 'Maybe I should leave these two to talk,' she thought.

"Valteira-san is here, too," Amelia told Zel after a moment.


"You know he's not the same person, Zelgadis-san…"

"He doesn't remember a thing," Lina put in. "And both Filia and I think that's good. No one is to tell him about his past except Filia. Got it?" She glared at Zel. "Not even on accident." This to Amelia.

"Why don't you go see him, Zelgadis-san," Amelia suggested.

Zel shrugged and followed Lina as she started down the hall. Amelia watched them go, and turned towards her own room.

"She really missed you," Lina said, breaking the silence as they walked. "You should come around more often."

"So should you."

She scowled, and then laughed. "Point taken!" They took a few steps without speaking. "She's not really over you," Lina said softly.

"I know."

"She wants to be. She really likes Daril. They have a lot in common."

"I'm glad." Zel glanced over at Lina. "So she'll be happy?"

"Yeah, I think so." She paused, walked a little slower. "She's not the only one who missed you."

"So Gourry finally remembered my name?" Zel grinned.

"No, you idiot! I missed you. It's… strange traveling by myself after I was with you guys for so long." She stopped. "Here we are. Val!" She knocked loudly. "Val, it's me! Open up!" There were the sounds of feet shuffling on the floor. The door opened.

"Lina, I was just getting ready for bed…" Val was wearing his PJs and holding a toothbrush in one hand.

"You remember Zelgadis, don't you?" Lina interrupted him, gesturing to Zel. Val nodded.

"Hello, Zelgadis-san."

"Valga-oof!" Lina's sharp little elbow dug into Zel's side. She winced. It hurt, elbowing a one-third golem. "Valteira," Zel amended. "It's been quite some time. You've gotten big haven't you?"

"ARGH!!! Why does everyone keep saying that to me?!"

Everyone blinked at Val's outburst. His face was scrunched up in a very unattractive fit of pique, and getting redder by the second.

"If one more person…"

"He really doesn't like that, I guess," Lina shrugged.

"…says 'Oh, Valteira, you've grown up!'…"

"Obviously," Zel said nonchalantly.

"…or 'Val, you've gotten so big!'…"

Of course, Zel's almost always nonchalant.


"Ano… Val-chan…," Lina interrupted. "You ARE screaming."

"'Val-CHAN!?'" The young dragon plopped onto a couch. "I've got a headache."

Amelia burst into the room, closely followed by Daril. "Valteira-san!" She looked around, ready to smite evil and smash injustice. "What was that screaming?"

"Val's having a hissy fit," Lina informed her.

"Everyone treats me like a kid," he whined. He held his head in his hands.

"You ARE a kid," Lina snapped.

Zel stepped forward to Daril. "I don't believe we've met. I'm Zelgadis." He reached for the other man's hand. "You must be Daril."

The other man looked surprised. Zel flinched. His face was uncovered and his hood was down, showing his chimeric form in all its glory. My face repulses him, Zel thought. I'm… a monster.

Daril grinned and took Zel's hand. "Hello, Zelgadis. I am indeed Daril." His smile gave Lina shivers.

Something's wrong…

"Amelia," a voice called from the hallway. "Ah, there you are!" Daril entered the room…

"Wait a minute!" she cried. "Two Darils?!" She pointed at them both.

Val blinked and rubbed his eyes to make sure his headache wasn't bringing on the hallucination. "One of you… is Daril, but the other… is Daril too? Or Daril Two?"

Zel groaned.

"No," Lina cut him off. "One is Daril and the other is Kopii Daril!"

Zel sweatdropped.

"You're not two parts of Daril-nigdo, are you?" Amelia said timidly. "Because I don't want to have to destroy you…"

Zel's sweatdrop grew. Val rubbed his temples.

"You morons!" the Daril that had accompanied Amelia shouted. "I'm Daril's brother! Leri!" Lina and Amelia looked them both over. They looked pretty much the same, but Leri's hair was shorter, only to his shoulders. His eyes were narrower, his clothes weren't as princely, and most importantly, he wasn't fawning over Amelia.

"Sorry, Leri," Amelia said sheepishly. "I did it again, didn't I?"

"Yes," Leri snapped. "That's the third time something like this has happened this week! I knew I should've dyed my hair or something," he grumbled.

"Um, hello Lina, Valteira, strange, scary-looking guy I don't know," Daril began.

"Zelgadis. My name is Zelgadis."

"Okay. Lina, Valteira, Mister Zelgadis sir, this is my older brother, Daril Benn Leri Korith. We don't talk about him much," Daril whispered. "He's a little- you know- crazy."

"I heard that Daril!" Leri began sniffling. "Just because I'm not some Justice-loving FREAK, my family's all embarrassed of me." Tears dribbled, and then poured down his cheeks.

"You sound like Gracia," Amelia said slowly.

"There there," Zel said awkwardly, patting the bawling brother on the back. "There there."
