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The dates given are the Last Modified dates on my harddrive versions. I figure this is when I finished editting and resizing. So some of the pictures I remember doing later have an earlier date because they didn't need later editting.

Hitokiri Gentatsu

Hitokiri Gentatsu

Donated by Vitani! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!! A very fitting pencil and CG of Gen-san in Hitokiri mode.



Color! Whoo-hoo! I did this one in my brush pens and chalk pastels. This is actually the picture that started that trend of coloring for me, and it's now my favorite method.

A Warrior's Choice

A Warrior's Choice

Gentatsu is a man torn between duty and family. I tried to be all artsy-fartsy with this one, and just succeeded in making Toki's cheek look bruised. Thank Goddess for editting! It did come out kinda the way I'd wanted, though.

Gentatsu and Toki

Gentatsu and Toki

I had to draw them together again, this time in a happier moment!

A Moment's Rest

A Moment's Rest

Hitokiri sleep sitting up, cradling their swords (Kenshin does it all the time.). So I drew Gen-san doing it. Zzzz....

Purple Vision

Purple Vision

A sketch done in purple colored pencil. As you may be beginning to see, I like drawing profiles.

Kanuma's Crow

Takatsuki Gentatsu- Kanuma's Crow

I tried to do this one in Watsuki's style, with the brush, but I used my brush pen, which doesn't have the same dry effect. I knew it wouldn't, too. I guess I'm too lazy to open my ink bottles anymore.