Takatsuki Toki Toki is Gentatsu's baby sister. I say 'baby sister' instead of 'little sister' for a reason. When Gentatsu was killed, Toki was only four. He was many years older than her. There's no mention if there were any other siblings in this gap- they are the only two Takatsuki's mentioned. Which may be why Gentatsu was so protective of her in his way. She was his only family; a tiny, helpless baby girl that needed him to protect her. It's that "who are you protecting? who are you fighting for?" thing that crops up so often in anime. After Gentatsu was killed, Toki was raised by Shigure. This was more out of Shigure's percieved duty to Gentatsu than love for the child. She was all that he had left of his friend, and he had loved her, so Shigure would love her and care for her in his place. Toki is eighteen when the movie takes place. She had grown into a shy young woman who taught children how to read and write out of her and Shigure's home. Part of Shigure's aid for the survivors of the war, perhaps. She is shown to be rather shy, but has a steely streak that lets her stand up for others (not successfully, sometimes, and she definitely can't fight at all). She's also a good cook, and enjoys it. She is very reserved around Shigure due to his aloofness- especially about his plans. But he was the most important person in the world to her, as she tells Kenshin in one scene. She is very devoted to him, and does whatever she can to stop him from starting a new revolution that could cost many lives. Many more than it already did, that is... While I really doubt that Shigure and Toki were in love, they did love each other. They were each other's only family. Shigure gave his life to protect Toki, and he would have lived for her as well, if given the chance. |