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Forever Blue Skies

Sasaki's Anime Roles

Sasaki Nozomu

Sasaki Nozomu Mini-Shrine

Behind every anime character, there is a voice. The voice of Gentatsu was Sasaki Nozomu.

Sasaki Nozomu has been a voice-actor for some time, and has played many roles. He has done image songs and drama CD's for many of them, and has released his own CD's as a singer.

Personally, I adore him. His characters can be suave and smooth (in what I assume is his normal voice, but you never know) or nasally and bratty, or switch between like Clef. His singing voice is somewhere in the middle for all of them, though on the nasal side, and is pretty distinctive. It's sweet, but people who are accomplished singers themselves probably wouldn't like it. There are some songs that are really good, and then there are some not-so-good ones. But you have to expect that from image songs. And most of them are very 80's. I love 80's songs, and I have a thing for singers with slightly nasal voices (among my favorite bands are Lareine and La'cryma Christi). So I'm biased when I say he's wonderful.

Sasaki's Anime Roles: Go here to check out Sasaki Nozomu's other anime roles.

Other Pages about Sasaki Nozomuphoto from an ad for his book "Smack!". click for larger version

Be My Tabu: Vitani's Sasaki Nozomu shrine.

Have You Seen This Seiyuu: Seiyuu Gallery at Ganymede's Palace. Make sure you visit the rest of the site too!

Hitoshi Doi's Sasaki Nozomu Page: Info. Part of a very large database.

Perry, Ansatsusha, Firefly's Seiyuu Resource: Seiyuu listings by name and series- with pictures!

What the Heck is a Shinesman?: A site about the show Shinesman, which Sasaki-san was in.

What Ever Happened to Noah Hathway?: Not related to Sasaki-san in the least, this site is about the actor Noah Hathaway. I've included it here because Sasaki-san plays a character called Noah Hathaway in Char's Counterattack.